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Book of Isaiah


Authorship and Origin:

Isaiah lived in Judah (the southern kingdom) during 739 B.C. to 681 B.C.. He prophesied during the reigns of kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Tradition says that he was martyred by the evil king Manasseh. During this time Assyria was strong and placed pressure on Judah. Isaiah and Micah preached to the people to remain true to God and hope for the future. Little is known about Isaiah, except that from his writings it is easy to see he was a well educated man, and had a personal committment totally to the Lord. Some scholars believe that that second major section of Isaiah (chapters 40-66), were written by someone other than Isaiah, perhaps his student or followers. It is interesting to note, that sections of Isaiah were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls which were written as early as 160 years before Christ. These scrolls matched much later copies (around 1100 A.D.) and substantiated the fact that texts had been copied faithfully and without modification across the centuries.

Overview and Significant sections

The book of Isaiah is one of the most significant in the Old Testament. It contains key sections and revelations about God, and the Messiah expressed through the themes of a Servant and Sovereign Lord. From the study of Isaiah, we can understand God better, see the unfolding of His purposes through the Savior, and have a confident hope for the future.

Significant sections:

The first half of Isaiah:

The second half of Isaiah:
For more detailed study:
Read Chapter 1. (the entire book is available starting here.)
The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary on this book. introduction of this book.
the World Wide Study Bible has Dictionary, Commentary, Scripture and sermons available on this book.