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Book of Mark


Authorship and Origin:

It is believed by many, that Mark served as Peter's interpreter while Peter was imprisoned in Rome. He recorded Peter's recollections of the life, words, and actions of Jesus. Peter spoke Aramaic (old Hebrew), but Mark wrote down the words in Greek because it was more universally spoken. It was probably written about 70 A.D., and is the earliest of the three synoptic gospels. Although Peter probably provided most of the main facts, Mark additionally drew on oral gospels which had long been repeated since the earliest times of Christianity. This oral gospel is mentioned by Paul (also a companion of Mark) in his letter to the Corinthians and included many of the acts and teachings of Jesus. Mark's gospel appears to have been used in part as the source from much of Matthew and Luke.

Overview and Significant sections

Mark emphasizes Jesus as a man of action and power. Mark does not give the same level of detail around Jesus' teachings as the other gospels do. The style of the book is simple and straightforward. The words are presented plainly and without explanation allowing the real intensity to show through, and adding to it's historical authenticity.

Mark is a short book comprised of 16 brief chapters. Some commentators have wondered if perhaps the ending of Mark is missing, as the last chapter appears to abruptly end right at the time of the resurrection (16:8). The verses added after this were probably added by a later editor.

For more detailed study:
Read Chapter 1. (the entire book is available here.)
The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary on this book. study of this book.
the World Wide Study Bible has Dictionary, Commentary, Scripture and sermons available on this book.