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Book of Acts
Authorship and Origin:
Written by the author of the gospel of Luke, this book continues where the gospel left off.
Probably written around 90 A.D. after Luke realized that Christianity was a force spreading
throughout the world. Luke had received material from Paul while Paul was in prison in
Palestine and had travelled with Paul in Asia Minor.
Overview and Significant sections
Acts is the account of what Jesus' disciples did after His resurrection. It tells about
the early Christian church, missionaries, councils, the conversion of Paul, and contains
important discourses by Peter. Acts teaches that the church is guided by the Holy Spirit.
The stories told in acts are filled with the drama of shipwrecks, riots, arrests, deaths,
murders, tortures, escapes and martyrdoms. But the Holy Spirit is always present making
possible for salvation. Paul eventually takes the lead and carries the gospel to the
Gentiles. Acts is the foundation of the church.
Significant sections:
For more detailed study:
Read Chapter 1. (the entire book is available here.)
The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary on this book.
bible.org study of this book.
the World Wide Study Bible has Dictionary, Commentary, Scripture and sermons available
on this book.