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Christian Prayer Beads Central

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Christian Prayer Beads Central

Christian Prayer Beads, Anglican Prayer Beads, Protestant Prayer Beads, or Ecumenical Prayer Beads -- these are all names given to a Scriptural devotion that began in an Anglican church (hence the original name) in Texas, and then went on to gain followers in a wide range of Christian churches and on both sides of the Atlantic. This page is an introduction to a Bible-oriented ministry of prayer based upon the use of these beads and to the leading resource organization dealing with them.

Most of the religions of the world have used some physical method of counting prayers. Some Christians have used rosaries. The use of "Christian Prayer Beads" is a more recent development but one that has found its place across the nation during the past two decades, partly because these are not denominational, partly because of their very personal nature and, unlike the Catholic rosary, because the use of these Prayer Beads is strongly Scripture-oriented.

Episcopalians, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Disciples, Presbyterians, and Non-denominational Christians are only some of those who have adopted them for their own use.

Here is an overview of the way Christian Prayer Beads are most often prayed. You may find yourself developing your own system.

With your set, an initial prayer is prayed on the cross or first bead, followed by four groupings of seven beads.

In between each of these groupings (called "weeks") a single (usually larger) bead is prayed with a different Bible verse. These single beads are called the "Cruciform" beads because they suggest the ends of the arms of a cross when the loop of beads is opened into a circle or diamond shape.

As you may suspect, the "fours" in this system represent the four Gospels and the four Evangelists--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John while the "sevens" represent the days of creation, the Biblical number for perfection, the seasons of the church year, and more. The total of all the beads is 33 for the number of years of Jesus' life on Earth.

Since 2002, we have been surveying and reporting on the crafters, the use, and the distribution of these Prayer Bead sets. For answers to your questions about Prayer Beads or the suppliers of them, contact us for a personal reply. Click to send Email

An important message for our readers: With the passage of time and the growth of interest in these beads, many sellers and organizations online have developed their own prayer formats, often selecting prayers that reflect the distinctive beliefs of the churches to which they belong. Readers of those websites can be left with the erroneous impression that the suggested prayers (and meditations) listed there are "official" or the only ones right to use with Christian Prayer Beads.

While it is true that there are certain prayers which are more commonly said, the vision behind Christian beads remains, as always, that you make your own selections in keeping with your own intentions and personal beliefs.

Altered designs are also being marketed online and advertised as Anglican or Christian Prayer Beads. While almost any sort of set may be used by Christian people to count prayers, genuine Christian Prayer Beads do not have extra beads, a different arrangement of beads, or a tassel instead of a cross; and they are strung, not wired together, chain-like, in the manner of modern Catholic rosaries. Contact us with any questions you may have.

A Growing Movement

You are invited to become a part of a prayer renewal movement associated with the use of Bible-based Prayer Beads.

These Prayer Beads, prayed by members of all Christian faiths, are not associated with the invocation of saints or the veneration of anyone but God alone.

As a general guide, the following are suggested:

1. Pray your Prayer Beads regularly, for whatever intention you choose (family, peace, reconciliation, particular and personal needs, etc.)

2. Carry your Prayer Beads with you under all normal circumstances, in a pocket or purse, and

3. Introduce others to praying the Prayer Beads.


Since the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003, many American church groups have volunteered to send prayer beads sets to servicemen stationed in the Middle East. There is, however, news of these prayer beads coming straight from Iraq itself. Religious news services reported in early 2005 that when Protestant soldiers and marines noticed the use of the Catholic Rosary by their Roman Catholic friends in service, they asked Protestant chaplains serving with them if there were not some prayer aid they could use themselves. This prompted one to suggest these same beads as the perfect answer, and took it upon himself to request that Americans back home help supply them.


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