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Caring Hands Ministries, Inc.

PO Box 2681, • Cleveland, GA 30528 • United States • 706 219-1980/see/charmin/CM00731

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Practical help given with God's love often opens a great door to share the gospel.

Caring Hands provides direct help with food, clothes, medicine, emergency shelter, etc. We also provide referrals and coordinate assistance with other ministries and agencies to asure that needs are met and services are not duplicated. We seek at all times to help the person who recieves help to understand that it is given as an expression of God's love and that they are of great value to God and to us.

Our main target area now is Southern Appalachia but we welcome contact from individuals and ministries anywhere in the US and world wide.


There are many individuals, local churches, and local outreaches of larger organizations who do a wonderful job of helping people in need. Many more would help or could help more effectively if given the encouragement, know how and practical resources. Caring hands provides practical help, encouragement and loving reinforecment to individuals who are on the front lines reaching people in need often at great personal sacrifice. We also serve churches and other ministries providing help with

COMMUNICATIONS newsletters, press releases, tracts, informational pieces. Help in developing telephone outreaches for church growth, evangelism, encouragement.

TRAINING AND COORDINATION preaching, teaching, written and recorded material) Putting those who want to help together with those who have built successful ministries that share God's love through practical help.

FUNDRAISING both helping to raise funds and more importantly showing how to do it.

PRACTICAL RESOURCES helping the helpers find sources of food and other things they need.

God was concerned enough to emphasize helping those in need in His word from the injunction in Leviticus 19:9-10 to leave the corners of the fields ungleaned for the poor to the church leaders one command to Paul and Barnabus remember the poor Galatians 2:10. How can we do any less in our lives?

******** ******** PRAISE REPORT ******** ******** The father of a young family was burned over 50% of his body Tues. He came home from hosp 3 days later. These folks have run from the Lord very determinedly but gladly acknowledge that this is God's love and power. Please keep them (Cristy and John) in your prayers. 2 tiny children, another due Dec. John is expected to be out of work over a month so there are very urgent practical as well as spiritual needs.

******** ******** URGENT NEED ******** ******** A mother in N. Ga needs an insulin pump to have any natural hope of living to raise her daughters. They have no insurance. Father and older daughter are faithful volunteers at local food ministry which has asked us to help find a way to get the mom that insulin pump. It is far beyond our means. We would very much welcome your prayers, help, suggestions. Thank You. God bless you.

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