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Living Word Church

Post Box No. 13, GPO Amritsar • Amritsar, Punjab 143001 • India • +919872764539/see/charmin/CM10048

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(A charitable religious Society registered under the Act XXI of 1860, No.256/2004-05) Wel Come Living Word Church Living in the border Area could be extremely tough and demanding for anyone. Men and women are always looking for an outlet to release their stress, hoping for a reason to laugh, searching for a place to rest, longing for a shoulder to cry over or yearning for a friend to lean on for support. If you are one of them or truly wanting to find meaning in life, or simply wanting to grow deeper in your faith, you will find plenty of opportunities to do so at our church. Our doors are open for you. Just walk right in to join the friendly people who really care and accept everyone with the love of Jesus Christ. Let us work together, encourage each other, and learn together to have a clear understanding of the purpose and plan that God has in store for us. Remember this friend, God loves you and He cares for you. He wants to have a personal relationship with you. We promise to provide you with the opportunity to know Him, to grow in Him and to face the world with confidence. I'll be looking forward to seeing you this Sunday, personally. Please come�We may be the Church that you have always wanted to visit! About Living Word Ministries India.

In 2001, lwmindia had a small, humble beginning in a remote village of North India, with a handful of dedicated men and women, bound together under the spiritual leadership of Pastor Rev. Vishal Masih, Who was the founder president of this ministry. Most of the founding members were taken from the strong dedicated christian backgrounds. The ministry graually grew and branched out into several local churches of PVision

" A church for every village and the gospel for every person" therefore we want to plant churches all over India, especially in the unreached, unchurched and needy areas. Our immediate target is North India. Our ultimate goal is to go "unto the attermost parts of the earth."

Condition of field Our Urgency Our Finanac

India, with only 2.5% of the total world area, has nearly 16% of the world'd population. It is biggest democratic and second most populous country in the world. It has above 100 million people, 28 states, 27,000 postal codes ( more than 17000 of these do not have resident christian witness), 225 lanuages(more than 70 of the these do not have any scripture portion, so believers are encouraged to accept lingustic groups that need translation), 20 major regions, 953 people groups, 20,000 castes and sub castes, 55% people are illiterate, 600,000 villages, 70% people live in villages, and 480,000 villages are still without a single church. The religious diversity of India is shown in the following data: Hindu 64%, Muslims 11%, Buddist 8%, Jain 5% Spiristes 5%, Christians 3%, Sikhs 2%, Parsis 2%. We praise our God! India is still open for Gospen.unjab state. EMPHASIS ON PUNJAB At present we work among the non - christians in Punjab which is the birth place of many new religions in India. Population wise Punjab is 14th largest state in India. Almost 32% of the population of this state are children, aged below 14 years. But unfortunately idolatry, supersititions and tradtions have kept the people of Punjab in the utter darkness for many centuries. Except a few cities and towns, Major part of Punjab is unreached and unchurched. We wish to select young people, train them as soldiers for christ and challenge them to penetrate the citadel of Satan in Punjab, to liberate the people through the Goods News about Jesus Christ. Again in 1995 about 46 million people from all over the world prayed for 100 mega cities of the world including the city of AMRITSAR. Which is known as the sacred place for the all the Sikhs and other people. Looking at the population of almost 3 million people. Hence we concentrate in Amritsar with special concern for the Sikhs, balmikis, Mazhabis and Harijans. We also fous our attention on the other districts. Come and join us ! "You can adopt one of the people group which we are targeting or you can help us to sponsor atleast a missionary to one of the above groups. OUR FINANCES We believe that God knows our needs. Our ministry works are carried on by the sacrificial contributions of some Spirit led people and few well-wishers. So far God has been supplying all our needs in astonishing ways. We have never been in Dept. Jehovah is our provider ! YOUR CONTRIBUTION We request your prayer support. If you are intrested we could send out our report and prayer requests occasionally. If you are led by Holy Spirit to support us financially. Your contribution would be gratly appreciated provided it does disturb your previous commitments to your local church or other ministries. May I ask you for your involvement in our ministry ? Perhaps you can do little more than you have been doin. OUR URGENCY Before our Lord Jesus return we would like to accomplish the great task as much as possible for the extension of God's Kingdom. Amen ! "Pray for INDIA, because time has come for her to be saved." "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." luke 10:1.

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