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Screven Memorial Bible Institute Inc.

P.O. Box 111655, • Irvington, NJ 07111 • United States • 973-623-2241/see/charmin/CM10039

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Register for New School Year 2009-2010

Truly God has shown us favor and tremendously blessed our first year!!!

Register now for the Spring Semester

At Hopewell Baptist Church, 17 Muhammad Ali Avenue, Newark, NJ 07102.

Every Monday at 7:00 p.m.

A new school year is upon us and we pray that you have decided to get a better understanding of God's word through study!


"Growing Towards Spiritual Maturity"
"Understanding People"
"Training for Service"
"Systematic Theology II"
"Biblical Beliefs"
"You and Your Bible"
"The Bible, Science and Creation"
"The Book of Daniel"
"Exploring the Gospel of John"
"A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Scriptures"
"Educational Psychology"
"The Issachar Factor"
Registration is open now for Spring 2010 and for the Fall 2010! Monday nights at 7:00 p.m.
At Hopewell Baptist Church, 17 Muhammad Ali Avenue, Newark, NJ 07102.

All Registration and Classes are held at:

Hopewell Baptist Church, 17 Muhammad Ali Avenue, Newark, NJ.
Right off of Route 78, Route 21, Route 22 and Routes 1&9.
Nearest streets Martin Luther King Blvd., & Clinton Ave.

Gated Parking Lot and On-site security.

Our goal is to provide a variety of programs to meet the need of all church workers; maintaining high educational and spiritual standards; providing local churches with trained teachers, Christian Workers and Ministry helps for building strong Sunday Schools, Church Auxiliaries and to promote and foster Evangelism and Missions.

Join us for the New School Year: 2010-2011

We offer the following:
First Year - General Bible Studies
Second Year - Christian Education
Third and Fourth Year - Theological Studies
Fifth and Sixth Year - Master Studies

We are training people in religious vocations; which include: Biblical Studies, Christian Counseling, Christian Leadership, Ministry, Missions and Evangelism, Theology, Worship Ministry, and Youth Ministry.

Screven Memorial provides Certificate Programs in General Bible Studies and Christian Education.

We offer.....

Bachelor of Theology

Master of Religious Education


We are affliated with Jameson Christian College.
These degrees are ministry minded with the understanding that students desire to earn their degrees for such matters as would help in ministry.


Our anointed and qualified staff members.......
Evangelist, Mother Jean Screven, D.D., President
Dr. Edward Roberts, B.A., Th.B., M.R.E., D.R.E., Ph.D., Dean

Elder Joyce Garrett, B.A., Th.B., Instructor
Evangelist Demetris Guilford, B.A., Th.B., Instructor
Dr. Dorothy Moten, Th.B., M.R.E., D.R.E., Instructor
Elder Frederick Randolph, B.A., Th.B., Instructor
Elder Paul Shelly, B.A., M.A., Th.B., Instructor
Mary L. Tyson, B.A., Th.B., M.R.E, Instructor
Dr. GeorgeAnne Wakefield, Th.B., Th.M., Th.D., Instructor

Tuition and fees are very economical.
For information call (973) 623-2241
or email at

My late husband's motto throughout his ministry:
"Go ye therefore and teach all nations" Matthew 28:19

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