The Comforter's center int is not-for-profit -making organization. Upholding and promoting the sanctity of human life, Christian Model for Marriage, Family and teaching that children are blessings from GOD. " Mission" The Comforter's Center is a Christ-centered ministry committed to upholding the Sanctity of Human Life in the community. We demonstrate the love of Christ to women, men, and their families facing pregnancy related concerns by providing for spiritual, physical, and emotional support through education, Biblical counseling, restoration and sharing the Gospel. Vision Statement Christ-centered Ministry Christ is the foundation of the ministry. Board members, staff and volunteers endeavor to model Christ in every aspect of the ministry, seeking his direction in our decisions and his presence in our care. Sanctity of Human Life We affirm the sanctity of all human life. We desire to promote the Christian worldview that affirms the sanctity of life as it touches the unborn. We are committed to reaching all segments of our society with a life-affirming message that makes abortion unnecessary and unwanted. We seek to resource local churches, schools and other groups to help them value the life of the baby in the womb. Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Support Our desire is to serve women, men and families by meeting the various practical needs they encounter in pregnancy related concerns. We provide spiritual, material, and educational assistance in order to help restore people before God and the community. Proclaiming the Gospel We realize the foundation of our ministry is the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Full restoration comes as Christ gives unconditional love, forgiveness, and salvation to clients and their families. We are committed to sharing this offer of hope with our clients as they show an openness to receive it.
* Abortion is illegal in Uganda except to save a woman's life. * One in 5 pregnancies ends in abortion. * An estimated 297,000 abortions are induced every year; this is a rate of 54 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-49 (the U.S.'s rate is 22), giving Uganda the distinction of the 10th highest abortion rate. * A abortion is a leading cause of maternal death--1 in 5 The comforter's center services. The Comforter's Center provides compassion and care to those in need of our services. We desire to serve the whole person. This includes assisting in their practical, emotional, and spiritual needs. All services at the comforter's center are free and confidential. Come in to our office or give us a call; someone who cares and is equipped to help will be available. We serve any woman or man with pregnancy related issues regardless of tribe, religion or marital status We counsel against Abortion In counseling against abortion we help our clients to understand that all life comes from God! We talk to them about the development of their pre born baby; we also talk with them about the many physical and psychological side effects of abortion. We help them look at positive and good solutions to their own particular situations. We offer help to women who have had an abortion Here there is and opportunity to discuss with them what Doctors refer to as "Post- Abortion Stress Syndrome", and to give them some beginning steps to heal from this suffering, to seek God's forgiveness, and forgive themselves. We talk with them about God's great Love & Mercy and encourage them to turn to Him, & unfathomable mercy. We counsel about the beauty of the virtue of Chastity Our counseling is truthful, direct and non-judgmental. We simply peak the truth! That it was God, not humankind, who created and designed the marriage act. Reason and common sense tell us its true purpose and nature is for children, and the uniting of husband and wife. Because of it's connection to life, it is considered to be not just good but sacred, and because of this God has given laws, commands for its use. -- It is a gift, not a right, a gift, only to the married. We counsel on the harmful effects of contraception We help our clients see harmful physical, emotional and psychological effects of contraceptives, and their connection to abortion. In addition, we introduce married couples to the good of Natural Family Planning. Our Services: The center works through volunteers who extend God's love, hope and healing to those hurting due to unplanned pregnancies and post abortion ,and Healing the broken heart due to past mistakes. We share the gospel with God's love and forgiveness to our clients. Other services include: 1.Free pregnancy tests and counseling. Helping women faced with unplanned pregnancies to choose life for their pre-born babies. 2.Abstinence Education; teaching and promoting biblical sexuality and God's divine design for marriage. 3.Abortion recovery; helping men and women who have under gone abortion to receive healing, hope new life in Christ. 4. Support services; building strong character and families. We provide facts and information about abstinence, risks of abortion, sexually transmitted diseases and related issues Emotional Support Information on pregnancy Early pregnancy classes Childbirth classes Parenting classes Adoption referrals Medical, legal and referrals Education on risks and consequences of abortion alternatives Healing Support Post abortion counseling Many people ask us what a typical appointment consists of and we would like to give you a glimpse into the everyday activities of our center: During a typical appointment, a pregnant woman comes into our center , receive a free pregnancy test Once the necessary intake forms and tests are completed, she is led into one of our counseling rooms. While the test is running, we have our clients watch an educational video on one of the following topics: family values, chastity, STDs, adoption, abortion, and post abortion. Once the video is completed and the test results are available, a counselor shares the test results with her. During this time, our clients are able to talk about their results, get the necessary resources for programs, and be introduced to God's love, AND LATER ON... * Provide ongoing personal counseling * Foster healthy relationships * Furnish maternity clothes and baby things * Provide referrals for adoption information * Plan for the future of both the mother and baby. * Other assistance sensitive to your particular circumstances and needs. * Help foster self development, responsibility
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