Seducing spirits have been turned loose upon the earth today. Many have been taken over by a spirit of deception. I Timothy 4:1 tells us, The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. This is happening now. We are already in the last days. "Jesus is coming soon" Satan seeks to deceive all that will listen to his lies. Many of Gods people today need spiritual freedom from demonic influences. Many "Christians" have willingly given themselves over to seducing spirits. Witchcraft in any form is an abomination to God. Witchcraft will draw those calling on demon help closer to their grave. If you are calling up or seeing a psychic, "You are being deceived". Psychics are liars. They are the evangelists of Satan. These evangelists want to damn your soul to hell. Their deception will cause you to be separated from the Spirit of God. The Word of God tells us to "Leave them alone, they are the blind leading the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch". Matthew 15:14 says God has set his face against psychics and witches. But you say " Well I don't go to or listen to psychics or I don't practice witchcraft, this doesn't pertain to me". Well lets look at this in another way. If you allow man to tell you what is right and it doesn't clearly line up with the Word of God and you have not searched it out yourself or cried out to God for confirmation from the Holy Spirit, then you are allowing yourself to be deceived. The Word of God tells us in Romans 3:4, "God forbid, yea, let God be true and every man a liar; as it is written that you may be justified in your saying and might overcome when what you say is called into judgment". Only the Spirit of God can interpret the Word accurately. When we do not take the time to seek God for the truth, we open ourselves up for deceiving spirits. Which will lead us into sin, causing us to enter into a place of disobedience. Once we have opened ourselves up to deceiving spirits, we will no longer be deceived in one thing, but we will become deceived in other things. Deception will gradually bring you into a place of disobedience , which will cause you to get into rebellion. Deception causes us to take what we know in our hearts to be true or what the Word says is true and call it a lie. Deception will twist the Word of God to make you believe a lie. Deception will cause us to lie about things we are doing or have hidden in our hearts. Not only have we become deceived by a "Christian psychic", we are now operating in rebellion. In I Samual 15:23 it says; For Rebellion is as the sin of Seducing spirits have been turned loose upon the earth today. Many have been taken over by a spirit of deception. I Timothy 4:1 tells us, The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. This is happening now. We are already in the last days. "Jesus is coming soon" Satan seeks to deceive all that will listen to his lies. Many of Gods people today need spiritual freedom from demonic influences. Many "Christians" have willingly given themselves over to seducing spirits. Witchcraft in any form is an abomination to God. Witchcraft will draw those calling on demon help closer to their grave. If you are calling up or seeing a psychic, "You are being deceived". Psychics are liars. They are the evangelists of Satan. These evangelists want to damn your soul to hell. Their deception will cause you to be separated from the Spirit of God. The Word of God tells us to "Leave them alone, they are the blind leading the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch". Matthew 15:14 says God has set his face against psychics and witches. But you say " Well I don't go to or listen to psychics or I don't practice witchcraft, this doesn't pertain to me". Well lets look at this in another way. If you allow man to tell you what is right and it doesn't clearly line up with the Word of God and you have not searched it out yourself or cried out to God for confirmation from the Holy Spirit, then you are allowing yourself to be deceived. The Word of God tells us in Romans 3:4, "God forbid, yea, let God be true and every man a liar; as it is written that you may be justified in your saying and might overcome when what you say is called into judgment". Only the Spirit of God can interpret the Word accurately. When we do not take the time to seek God for the truth, we open ourselves up for deceiving spirits. Which will lead us into sin, causing us to enter into a place of disobedience. Once we have opened ourselves up to deceiving spirits, we will no longer be deceived in one thing, but we will become deceived in other things. Deception will gradually bring you into a place of disobedience , which will cause you to get into rebellion. Deception causes us to take what we know in our hearts to be true or what the Word says is true and call it a lie. Deception will twist the Word of God to make you believe a lie. Deception will cause us to lie about things we are doing or have hidden in our hearts. Not only have we become deceived by a "Christian psychic", we are now operating in rebellion. In I Samual 15:23 it says; For Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft and Stubbornness is as Iniquity and idolatry. The Spirit of deception is a deadly spirit. It seeks to bring a Christian to spiritual death. It is the doorway to rebellion, stubbornness, sin, and idolatry. It will cause a man to declare right is wrong and wrong is right.. When we allow the Spirit of Deception to operate in our lives, "we will become deceivers ourselves". Juanita Bynum said " The real "Witch" is not the one that dresses funny or sprinkles dust and says incantations. The real witch is in the church. The real witch comes to revival with us, sings, shouts and dances when we do, but will not obey the authority that God has placed over their lives." They are walking in disobedience, rebelling against the authority and truth of Gods Word. They shout hallelujah and brag about the sermon, but in them resides the spirit of disobedience. They think they are right with God, but in reality they themselves have become deceivers working with the same spirit of deception that deceived them. Proverbs 16:25 says, "There is a way that seemeth right unto man, but in the end thereof it will lead them to destruction". No wonder the Lord says in Matthew 7: 22-23, that many will say "Lord we have prophesied in your name, we have cast out devils in your name and we have done many mighty works in your name, but He will say I never knew you, depart from me, you are workers of iniquity". The Lord tells us that if we do not judge ourselves He will. It is time that we take a good look at ourselves in the mirror of the Holy Spirit. If our heart is truly after the ways of God, then our lives should manifest the same kind of obedience that Jesus had. "Jesus was obedient to the Father even unto death: We should desire the cleansing and the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Word says, "BE NOT DECIEVED, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap; Galatians 6:7. We will reap what we have sown ourselves or through our children. When we think of sowing and reaping, we like to think of money., houses, cars etc. We quote and quote about reaping what we sow. But in reality, "Do We Really Believe That"? Because if we really and truly believe that God means what he says, then we would stop doing the things that we are doing. We would stop hiding our sins and justifying them. We would be crying out to God for His mercy upon us and our children. In the name of Jesus Wake up before you go to hell, Wake up and judge yourself before God decides to do it.! The power of the Blood of Jesus will cleanse you from your sins. His power will deliver you from the Spirit of Deception, only if you are willing to let God expose it your life. We think we have a wide road to walk down, but God said "it is a narrow road and few will enter therein". Let us put up our guard against the Spirit of Deception and drive it out of our lives. Remember the Spirit of Deception is always looking one who doesn't have a true and daily relationship with God. Prophetess Tanya Staton © October 2005
Halloween will soon be upon us. October 31st is a day that is highly celebrated by witches and warlocks. It is a Sabbath to them. They consider it to be one of the most sacred days of the year. On Halloween, witches and warlocks gather all over the nation celebrating there witchery. It is a day that witches and warlocks worship their many deities, mix potions with incantation in a black cauldron and release hexes, curses and vexes. They are casting spells and calling up demons to do their bidding. When addressing demons, they consider them to be beings of a higher power. It is a day of celebrating death and darkness. On this same day we see our neighborhoods fill up with children dressed up as demons, goblins, vampires, witches, monsters and other gory creatures. And of course let's not forget the fairies and cartoon characters and all those sweet adorable costumes. "Deception always hides behind light". Do you know where and why people dress up in costumes and why they wear mask? Have you ever taken the time to find out what Halloween is all about? It is important to educate ourselves on things that we so easily accept and celebrate. Halloween first began as a Catholic holiday called All Saints Day. It was to celebrate the memory of Christians who had died for their belief, but by the 7th century, this day was no longer considered a Catholic holiday, but a Pagan holiday. For centuries Halloween has been celebrated starting first by the Druids. They celebrated this day and called their celebration the "Vigil of Samhain", which means "Lord of the Dead". The Druids would dress up in the most grotesque and terrifying costumes. They believed that when they went out on that night that they would trick the evil spirits into believing that they were an evil spirit too and in return the evil spirits would treat them good and bring them no harm. (Trick or Treat?) The masks were worn to convince the demons that they were one of them. Masks are linked to the "spirit world" and are used today to link into the "supernatural". It is believed that the masks each person wore represented the demon it looked like. This was in hope that the demons would be deceived. Does all this sound outrageous? Let me assure you Witchcraft and Satanism is very real in Cabarrus County. Witchcraft is the fastest growing religion next to Christianity today. Witchcraft is now recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a true religion and has been given 501C3 status as a non profit church. When you hear the word "Wicca", you will know it is in reference to the religion of witchcraft. Wicca church's are springing up all over America. Ashville, NC. is a meeting place for the National Convention of witches, warlocks and wizards. In Charlotte, Concord and Kannapolis there has been 13 covens to make themselves known on the internet. Many others have not yet exposed themselves. Satellite TV and Time Warner Cable show back to back occult programming for six hours straight and on some channels it starts all over again. Most of these programs are on seven days a week. Programs such as "Angel, Sabrina the teenage witch, Charmed, The Craft and cartoons such as the Smurfs, Sabrina the charmed one, Gargoyles, Poke-mon and many more". Now we are being bombarded by "Harry Potter" movies and books. I believe that the "Harry Potter Series" is under a demonic anointing. This series has broken all # 1 best selling records all over the world. Witches and Warlocks all over the world are praising the accuracy portrayed of the occult. The people who write your children's school books now have publishing rights to the series. The "Harry Potter Series" is now being release and read in schools all over America because it is believed to get children, teens and adults reading again. Witchcraft is being seeded into our children as light and no one seems to care what is being planted in their spirits. Children are now being quoted as saying " I want to be a witch because I would cast a spell on my teacher and cause her great pain" , " I want to be a wizard like Harry Potter, so I can put curses on people I don't like and make them die." Some religious leaders are even saying that the witchcraft in Harry Potter is not the same witchcraft the Bible speaks against. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 is very clear, "Do not let your people practice fortune-telling or sorcery, or allow them to interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spell, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone who does these things is an object of horror and disgust to the Lord". I believe that God is pretty clear on how he feels about practicing and taking part in any occult activity. In Hosea 4:6 God said "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge". Halloween is not a Christian holiday. It is not a day in which Jesus is exalted as Lord. All you have to do is look around on Halloween night and you will see who is being exalted as "Lord". So the next time Halloween rolls around and you see everyone dressed up in their costumes and masks and your children are pitching a fit to participate, you really need to consider if it is worth allowing your children to celebrate a day that has been dedicated to "Satan" and his demons. We were created to worship "God our Elohim, who is the one that gives us life. We were not created to celebrate the doctrines of devils. You have now been given knowledge and what you do with it will be up to you. Prophetess Tanya Staton © October 2005
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