In India, the latest figures tells us about 51 million of population scheduled Tribes. It is nearly 7.76% of the India's total population. They do differ in Racially and linguistically among themselves. They are the most neglected and economically backward people and most receptive groups for Gospel in India.
Myself W. Ebenezer Udayakumar was separated and led by God to work as a social worker and pastor among a Tribal people of Tamil Nadu, India and while working, God gave the vision to become a channel to the multitudes by the way of giving the word of God in their own tongue. so that, God shall speak to every one of them with His spirit. I got Trained in Linguistics upto the advanced Level by IICCC which is the auothority for Bible Translation in India.
Mark Gospel is published in the Mother Tongue of Irulas in the Tamil Script and Pilot program for Literacy has been started.
Few Irula Tracts are published in Irula.
IRULA language functional grammar is written down by me.
Audio cassette recording of Mark Gospel is published .
We started to create prayer cells in the state level churches .And every irula Evangelists are requested and some time to-gether conducted prayer walks in the Attpady area villages , pillur dam area villages and kotagiri areas. . Presented them the precious strategy of House churches for church growth and small groups to reach and way for People Group Movement.
In every December we use to witness for the birth of Christ and give gifts of new cloths for widows and old people and children. This we are adopting in our bi-vocational time itself.
In February 2003, I conducted a seminar among irula Evangelists in the Topic of Church Growth and small groups. It was an eye opener for the fellow missions and irula Evangelists were encouraged by the recognition of their mother tongue and the their role of importance.
In March 2003 there was another seminar was conducted by us. In the Topic of spiritual warfare. But that seminars was diverted by the Holy Spirit through the special speaker and Taught us about Communication of Gospel to Tribal context, especially story telling methods and Audio & video Media. And the importance of contextualize the Gospel.
I am greatly moved by the importance of the need of the knowledge of Bible for the Evangelist. So BIT-LIT conducted a story telling competition for Irula Evangelists. It gave good effect and confidence among Irula Evangelists and they started to start new small groups. We were able to get commitment from them rightly, the same number of Small Groups which we prayed and aimed. But the growth was so little initially.
By this time in 2003 we were recognized by IICCC, which is the authority to Train Bible Translation. we are called to attended Advanced Level Program in Linguistics conducted by S.I.L Training team .. We got the pleasant tie up with S.I.L and got all Electronic materials Resources for B.T ---by their word and deed journal .sponsored by IICCC for us. On these days after , in prayer for one month, I had made the Master plan for Strategic Co-ordination. And also full program plan was made in every area for that Master Plan.
We formed a Language Committee and the Language Committee was helping me in learning the Dialect and in community check which of my mark gospel writings in HARLA method. We came back and interacted with the evangelists for prayer walk and interacted by encouraging small groups and participated with Evangelist. We concentrated more time to produce audio in Irula of Mark Gospel and spiritual song in thses months.
God united with us almost all the major missions who are working among irulas. It gave us a burden to foresee the task and develop partnerships in all the areas of the work. We had concentrated to raise prayer partners and supporters in nearly 50 churches .In January and February we finished our Mark Gospel and made community check with L.C. and village people.
In the month of February 2004 BIT-LIT had conducted Church growth and self help group seminar. Taught the native Evangelists
" For House Churches and self help groups --among irulas. The seminars was a blessing and every one was able realize the importance of the both house churches and self help groups in their work fields. Evangelists were facilitated to buy their picture Gospels and Flap books . Every one get it their own to use in their fields.
In April 2004 audio Mark Gospel along with 10 spiritual songs were distributed to 20 native evangelist, along with players and fifty cassettes sets
Listening group were become responsible for the Language committee and to the native Evangelists who received to create 40 listening groups. But its growth was limit less, all the evangelist are using every day till today. 37 New Small groups were began in this year only.
More than 70 Preaching Points & 40 listening groups are formed sofar.
More over 17 new self help groups and 17 old self help groups were revived by our evangelists and our partners agency an N.G.O .HAD joined with us to serve the irulas in the social development.
It is amazing to our eyes to see ,nearly one third of the end visioning which we mentioned in our Master plan had come true within three years by fervent prayers all and united and partnership efforts.
God is giving deep in sight, by the ways of research reports of irula community of unreached new area of Chengalpat, Vellure districts. One of two unreached so far. we are praying for God shall enable us to send a team of evangelists into that area too. 75 churches were visited and created awareness about irula ministries. Fund raising efforts were attempted in every month as two in a month .
Pray for us, for the wisdom to teach and the native evangelist and work with them to create a Dynamic witnessing group of Christian and work for saturation Church planting among irulas.
There were suffering in our family in physical and in financial aspects. Even some time discourage ment in the spiritual areas too. We scarified some of our belongings but I am confident those are -seeds for the extension of God's kingdom. And also Marvelous and confirming helps by the Lord and his children at the needs.
The worship groups are increasing in every mission's fields. God is working and raising strong witnesses among irulas. Praise the Lord!
We request you all to uphold irula people group and for their Heavenly blessings. Now we are in the work of finishing the St.Luke's Gospel. We need to do community and consultant check for the same.
The needs are increasing from the field , some of Christians looking to us for financial helps also in their distress.
Mission expenses are getting more and some time we lost our supports but God raised new ones. We are in need a Training and Mission center in the field for the continues training and for imparting knowledge among the irula evangelists, local elder, and new leaders.
May the Lord give you the burden to join with us for the reward in eternity in the acts of Holy Spirit among irulas, the major Tribal group of South India.
Uphold my Family and my two children in your prayers .
Let your efforts give fruits to "The people living in Darkness to see great light.
Why don't you bit -lit?
Reported by :
W.Ebenezer Udayakumar.
BIT-LIT Ministries .
M.A.46 Hudco Colony 1st Block,
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