I was hungry and you gave me food I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink I was a stranger and you welcomed me I was naked and you gave me clothing I was sick and you took care of me I was in prison and you visited me…… Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters that you do unto me. Mt. 25: 35-40 OUR MISSION: Our mission is to proclaim the gospel message of our Lord Jesus Christ to the less privileged ones. WORK: We do different kinds of charitable works for the upliftment of the poor. We look after medical care centers, give education to the poor children with less facilities, Parish work to bring people closer to God, faith formation, social works, ect. Our main aim is to evangelize the people and to bring them closer to God. Will you be a missionary of love and generosity to these tribals? Will you support our evangelization work among these poor tribals? You can make a different, you can bring smile to the downtrodden children by being generous. CONTACT ADDRESS FR. CHRYSOSTOM HEMBROM S.J. CATHOLIC CHURCH, CHILIMPUR P.O. CHILIMPUR DT. BIRBHUM, WEST BENGAL - 731 243 e-mail: chrys@jesuits.net chrys53@rediffmail.com
BACKGROUND: The people for whom we work are ordinary poor farmers, mostly the santal tribe of India. They are socially and economically very much backward. They have not much education facilities and therefore illiteracy among them is very high. Because of the illitercy and less medical facilities many peoploe die of ordinary sicknesses.
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