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Shekinah Intercession Global Ministries

House No. 6490,, Glen Norah A Flats, Glen Norah • Harare, Harare ZW • Zimbabwe • 263 912 866 966/see/charmin/CM07983

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VISION and Mission Statement


The vision of the Global Outreach Ministries is to work with intercessors (world Wide) i every nation, race, language and tribe so as to raise the christian standard of all through prayers. Prayer and intercession for the whole body of Christ and the fivefold ministry for the edification of the church of God of all denominations is our major focus. In all this the ministering of the physical and spiritual needs of the sick, elderly ad those in need will be met.


To equip the saints in the ministry of prayer and intercession for the whole body of Christ irrespective of denomination, race, tribe, languange or nation for the full manifestation of the five fold ministry for the edification of the Body of Christ.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD TO THE POOR/AFFLICTED (James 1:27, Matt 28:19, Mark 16:15-18)

Mrs Makayi together with Team under the anointing of God, Acts 1:8, are constantly carrying on with the Gospel of salvation to Epworth. The people are so hungry for God, but tired, hungry, sickly and needy and wait for God's intervention through working of miracles. Every Saturday Shekinah Team visits houses in Epworth to witness Jesus Christ. Many are being delivered from their diseases and afflictions. One elderly man having difficulties in breathing after confessing the Lordship of Jesus Christ was delivered and healed from stress. A widow spending sleepless nights due to hardships also got saved. Praise the Lord! A certain woman who had an issue of blood for some months was healed. Also one member of a certain family confessed how she couldnot interact with other family members, she wanted to run away from the family and go far, desiring death. She was delivered and was set free from rejection and the spirit of death. There was also a mother, father and child reunion. Praise the Lord!


The Team carries basic commodities to help the poor and afflicted as well as widows and orphans. James 1:27. The Team meets once a week giving themselves to prayer and the Word as well as praying for the Body of Christ and the nations. Every Saturday the Team gets to Epworth homes very early so that three to four houses will be reached with the Gospel. Those who are being ministered to are very positive in responding to God and they want to share with other unreached families.


Many homes are always closed due to the fact that people move out early going to work and looking for firewood to sell. People always run short of time as they go on foot to various places in search of food.


It is a remote area which is outside the city of Harare. People who live there, many of them, are poor elderly, sick people. Many young women are single with children. There are also widows and orphans. Many children do not go to school. Some abandoned school due to poverty. It is an area of no communication, poor and hard to live in. People are hard working but poor. They live from hand to mouth. They work in nearby farms but earn so little. Due to the fact that Zimbabwe is undergoing hardships, the survival in Epworth is very hard. Many are afflicted and vulnerable to diseases such as high blood pressure, stress, HIV/AIDS and malnutritional diseases. Women who are pregnant are also in danger. Many go to the forest to look for wild fruits. Some even take vegetables for lunch and porridge for supper. Their tired and restless. They need the hand of Jesus.


1. God to touch the area of Epworth for people to respond to the Word of God 2. Faith and Arbita Makayi and the Team's health 3. God to send faithful committed workers 4. An increase of the anointing upon the Team 5. Financial supporters


You can send your mission gift to this address: Faith Makayi, Shekinah Global Ministries, No. 62 George Road, Hatfield, Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa, Phone No. +263 912 866 966,Email: Thank You. Faith Makayi - Missionary


We believe in God's inheret word as the complete revelation of God's will for the salvation of man and as the divine rule for faith and conduct.

We believe in One God, Creator of all things, infinite perfect and eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ as Lord the second person of the Godhead, the object of our worship. We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, incessatly at work convicting, convincing and comforting. We confess that Adam's fall into sin left humanity without hope of heaven apart from the new birth made possible by the Saviour's death and bodily resurrection.

We believe the offer of salvation is God's free gift to all. Those who accept it by faith apart from works become new creatures in Christ.

We anticipate the Lord's return which could occur at any time (moment). We believe that all who have died will be brought back from beyond - the believers to everlasting communion with God ad the unbelievers to everlasting separation from the Lord.

We believe in the local church which exists to proclaim God's truth to administer the ordinances to stimulate growth toward maturity and to bring glory to God. " For my house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples" Isaiah 56:7

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