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. To rech those who do not know Jesus Christ s Lord nd Svior nd to help encourge those who do know Jesus Christ s Lord nd Svior.

2. To correct with compssion, rebuke with uthority nd encourge with love.

3. To help people chieve optiml helth.


> There is one God; God the Fther.
> Jesus Christ lived sinless life, died for our sins, ws buried nd on the third dy, he rose from the ded nd is live tody. > Jesus Christ is God's Son, mnifested in the flesh, sent into the world to sve sinners nd to destroy the works of the devil. > In the forgiveness of sins. > Lying on of hnds heling. > The Bible ws inspired by God nd is one of the wys tht God speks to us, s mens of showing us our wrongs nd in helping us to do wht is right. > God wnts us to believe on the nme of His Son; Jesus Christ nd to love one nother. > In the bptism of the Holy Spirit. > The gift of prophecy nd other spiritul gifts. > God works through ordinry people to do super extrordinry mir-cles. > Jesus is the wy, the truth nd the life. > The Holy Spirit gives one or more spiritul gifts to ll believers, mnifesting them s he desires. > Slvtion is not determined buy our works, but rther is free nd is given to us by grce from God, nd is found in no other nme thn tht of Jesus Christ. > Jesus is Lord.

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