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Presents the Ministry of...

Prophet Raymond Phillip Stansbury

Prophet Raymond Phillip Stansbury, ordained, called, appointed and anointed by God as a prophet unto the nations. He is the founder and President of "RAYMON STANSBURY MINISTRIES INC." It all started in the mind of God and the seed was planted in the loins of his father and the results were produced and birthed from the womb of his mother. February 10, 2001 he became founder and pastor of Prophetic House of Truth Outreach (P.H.O.T.O). God confirmed his calling to the office of Prophet through Ezekiel 2:1-7 and Jeremiah 1:4-10 along with other prophecies from other Prophets and Prophetess' of God confirming what he already knew. He acknowledged his calling as a prophet in 1976. During that period of time he studied, fasted, and prayed to enhance the call on his life. The devil thought that a stuttering problem would shut the mouth of this prophet, but it didn't work! He also attended and completed "The Healing School" under the ministry and teachings of Charles and Frances Hunter. He's a graduate from the DC, DE, & MD Council's of PAW Inc. three - year school of ministry. He graduated from Bethel Bible Institute, Wilmington, DE. after completing a 4 year required ministry course. All of that took place in a 10-year span of time; then he publicly walked into ministry July 28, 1986 under the teaching and instruction of his great Pastor, Bishop Thomas Wesley Weeks Sr. of whom is still his covering, under New Destiny Fellowship International Inc. He was properly birthed into the prophetic office on August 6, 1993 by spiritual mother and mid-wife Dr. Apostle Loretta Taylor of New York, along with the guidance and wisdom of Prophetess Patricia Tucker and Pastor Sylvia Stoner of Wilmington, Delaware. He is known for his style of ministry. You will never forget one of his messages once you heard it. It is Prophet Stansbury's purpose to destroy the works of the devil by sowing revelation into the body of Christ through the Word of God, The prophetic Word of the Lord, music, plays, and books, via demonstration to make plain the Word of God. He has ministered in the Tri-state area (Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania); He has also ministered in Washington DC, Indiana, South and North Carolina; Chicago, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Florida, Arizona and the Caribbean Islands (which he loves). He also ministers at College Campuses across the country ministering prophetically and teaching anointed wisdom to students. He's been honored to have been the first and only man of God to minister at PAULA GREENE (His prophetic Sister) MINISTRIES Inc.'s yearly Women's conference. Which is entitled "Wounded To rise", of which he is grateful. He's an anointed Prophet with the accurate Word in his mouth an anointed musician, songwriter, author, and teacher. He along with his family and friends are recording artist, "Prophet Raymond Stansbury and the prophetic voices." Their ministry slogan is "A family united in love for ministry." They minister under a heavy anointing and people have been healed and delivered through their music. He has a Drama Guild, "The Company", which travels and ministers by way of drama to encourage the body of Christ. He's an accurate interpreter of dreams and visions, and flows heavily in praise and worship; totally honors and glorifies God with his whole heart. He's also known as the E-mail Prophet, the writing prophet; for when God gives him the Word of the Lord for you and he has your E-mail address, he will just pop up in your E-mail (or hand you) a timely and accurate word. He is also known as the "raw prophet". He's the proud father of two sons Phillip who is 21, and Joseph who is 18 years of age (which is the one who's always with him) and the grandfather of one beautiful little girl, Monee` (5 years old) whom he loves. He has a host of prophetic Sons & Daughters across the world. Overseer Vanessia Livingston of Trenton, New Jersey, pastor of "Miracle Deliverance Prophetic Temple of God" is his prophetic mother. Apostle Thomas Sr. and prophetess Janie Simpson, pastor of "Intercessory Tabernacle" of Lakewood New Jersey are his prophetic parents. He's the covenant prophet to Pastor Alfred Reeves, Shiloh Worship Center, Elkton MD. He is also the Circular prophet (that title was given by one of the young people) for Personal Touch Ministries, Pastor Diane Cooper, Newark Delaware. This prophet of God is filled with so many talents and gifts and he uses them as unto the Lord. One only thing that he wants you to know is that it's always about Jesus and it's never about him. Ministry - Dreams: - Ministry Mailing Address: Prophet Raymond P. Stansbury 110 West Ninth Street Box 106 Wilmington, DE 19801

For Engagements Contact:

Business Manager
Minister Ronald Lewis
(302) 762-4243

The manager takes your request for a date, time, and occasion: workshop, conference, service, revival, seminar etc. He commits to availability. Thereafter, the confirmation clerk processes your request and contacts perspectives within 48 hours. Confirmation Clerk Sister Stacey Adkins (610) 348-2212 The confirmation clerk responds to the person (s) and gathers all pertinent information for the engagement: accommodations, transportation, honorariums, and offerings. Overall, the clerk confirms all contractual matters. Ministry Secretary Minister Geneva Freeman The secretary is responsible for all administrative duties: prepares and sends out letters of appreciations and confirmation. In addition, keeps abreast of all verbal and written agreements handed down and discussed within the ministry. Responsibilities of the church clientele � Round trip transportation is required for the prophet and half for his son if traveling by way of air or train. � If necessary, the prophet should need to bring along other people involved in the ministry: nurse, musician (s), singers, or alter workers, it is requested that a 20% fee be paid towards their nights /overnight accommodations. � Dinner and overnight accommodations for the prophet and his son if they are to be held over one or more days. � Transportation to and from hotel to place of ministry (s) if necessary. � If the prophet of God raises an offering it is expected that he receive half of that offering � along with what was agreed upon as the offering or honorarium in the letter of agreement. Prophet Raymond P. Stansbury Pastor/Teacher/Psalmist "Walking in proclamation with demonstration" � Dream Interpretation � Prophetic Gatherings � Church service/Revivals � Seminars/Conferences � Plays � Music Workshops � Author � Musician � Song Writer � Soloist � Word Workshops � Prophetic Ministry and Office Impartations

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