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Alabaster Box Ministries

Apt. 519, 1a Norbrook Road • Norbrook, Kingston 8 • Jamaica • 876-969-2243/see/charmin/CM05314

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Who we are

Alabaster Box Ministries is a non-denominational organization
which has been called into being by the Sprit of God; to assist
the local church to fulfill the Great Commission and to the
greater glory of God.

The President of Alabaster Box Ministries is Andrea Ayton.
She is a member of the Hosanna Praise Tabernacle Church
in Kingston, Jamaica and plays a key role in the Church's
teaching, prophetic, healing, deliverance and intercessory
ministries. Hosanna Praise Tabernacle is affiliated with the
Jamaica Association of Evangelicals and by extension the
World Evangelical Fellowship.

At Alabaster Box Ministries we:
1. Assist the local church in planning and in the conduct of
evangelistic missions;
2. Provide training in evangelistic counselling, follow-up and
discipleship classes;
3. Assist the local church in specialized counselling and
deliverance ministries;
4. Conduct seminars in emotional healing and making believers
aware of the Occult, New Age religion and other forms of Satanic
5. Conduct prophetic meetings

Statement of Faith

We believe in the verbal inspiration of the Bible and that it
is inerrant in the original manuscripts whereby God reveals the
complete revelation of His will and purpose to man.
The Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments constitute the only rule for doctrine and practice.


We believe in the one and only God, who is infintely perfect,
existing externally in three persons; one in substance,
co-equal in power and glory - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; in His eternal
generation from the Father; in His Incarnation by which He was
conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born by the Virgin Mary; thus
uniting the divine and human natures in their completeness into
the one unique person of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We believe in His vicarious death to make atonement for the sins
of the world.


We believe in His unique person, miraculous works, in His
bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the
Father; in His sovereign power and lordship; in His present
mediatorial ministry as The believer; advocate; in His imminent
coming in power and glory.


We believe in the Holy Spirit as the third person of the triune
God proceeding from the Father and sent by the Son, is one
substance, majesty, and glory with the Father and the Son,
to be loved, honoured, adored and worshipped.


We believe that as the Executive of the God-head, The Holy
Spirit's role is to reprove, convict the world of sin, of
righteousness and judgement; to regenerate such as repent of
their sins; to sanctify, teach, guide, comfort and endue the
believer with power.


We believe that it is the will of God as revealed in the
scriptures that each believer should be filled with all the
fullness of God through the Spirit.


We believe that it is the will of God that each believer should
be sanctified wholly; being separated from sin and world and
fully dedicated to the Will of God; thereby receiving power
for holy living and service.


We beleive that the filling or baptism with the Spirit in it's
initial reception comes as a result of a crisis experience in
a believers life subsequent to conversion. We also believe that
the Filling of the Spirit is a distinctive experience which may
be euphoric in its nature.


We believe that the filling with the Spirit is a progressive
walk of faith into the fullness experiencing repeated enduements,
refreshing and anointings by the Spirit.

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