THE WAY of HOLINESS is a ministry endeavoring to promote and uphold the standard of holiness (the true christian lifestyle) through the preaching of the gospel,the teaching of sound doctrine,and by expounding upon the Word of GOD,"rightly dividing the word of truth".This ministry does not intend to promote or endorse any particular denomination or church organization,but rather to focus on The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and the standard of living that is presented to us by The Word of GOD; what the prophet Isaiah called "THE WAY of HOLINESS"._________________ If you would like to support this ministry financially,I invite you to purchase a "Scripture Pen".These are very pretty ink pens that come in four colors (blue marble,green marble,burgundy marble,and black) and each one is trimmed in gold.Also,each pen has a different scripture: Blue___"I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENETH ME."(Philippians 4:13) Green___"TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THINE HEART;AND LEAN NOT UNTO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING."(Proverbs 3:5) Burgundy___"I WILL BLESS THE LORD AT ALL TIMES: HIS PRAISE SHALL CONTINUALLY BE IN MY MOUTH."(Psalm 34:1) Black___"AND AN HIGHWAY SHALL BE THERE,AND A WAY,AND IT SHALL BE CALLED THE WAY OF HOLINESS;"(Isaiah 35:8)____________________________________________________________ Each pen is $3.00 (no shipping & handling charges)....... They make nice little gifts - could also be used as witnessing tools._________________________ If you'd like to purchase these pens,simply Email me and place your order:....... (name and complete mailing address... number and color of pens)_______ Also,just for placing an order,I'll include a phone card that gives you 30-minutes of FREE long distance,FREE voice mail,and your own Personal Communications Center on the internet which includes a Web Address Book._________________________ Your purchase will assist this ministry in spreading the Gospel and the preaching/teaching of GOD's Word in print,over the radio,on the street corner,and by "ANY MEANS NECCESSARY"._____________________________________________(Eld. Darren Welch)
"LET'S GO DOWN TO THE POTTER'S HOUSE" (Jeremiah 18:1-6)_____________________________________ In this passage of scripture,we find the account of the prophet Jeremiah and his "field-trip" to the potter's house.God instructs him to go to this particular place inorder to see the potter at work.Here God would give him a revelation concerning the Children of Israel (His chosen people) and how He could change them from what they were,into what He wanted them to be.___________________________________________________________ In this text we find some basic truths about the God we serve:....... GOD (and God alone) HAS THE POWER TO CHANGE....... God has the ability to change WHOMEVER and WHATEVER He chooses; WHENEVER He gets ready.This speaks to the sovereignty of God; He does what He wants,when He wants,whenever He wants,for as long as He wants,for whatever reason He wants.He is The Lord God almighty-He answers to no one.He is in complete control of everything in exsistence.He is The King eternal;He reigns supreme. He is omnipotent(all-powerful);there is absolutely NOTHING He cannot do.This is what He wanted Jeremiah to know concerning the condition of His people ISRAEL("I can change them")....... GOD NOT ONLY CHANGES,BUT TRANSFORMS....... The Lord lets Jeremiah know that He can take His people in the condition that they're in,and make them into something COMPLETELY different.Just as the potter took the vessel of clay that was marred(flawed,disfigured,unfit,ugly) and "MADE IT AGAIN ANOTHER VESSEL" (VS. 4) God can take each one of us;and no matter what condition we're in,He can take our ugly,broken, messed-up lives and transform it into something beautiful - something fit for the Master's use.But don't look for God to change us into what WE want,but instead,God will change us into what HE wants.Just like the potter did with the vessel of clay,when God finishes shaping,making,and molding us we will have been made "AS SEEMED GOOD TO THE POTTER TO MAKE IT"____________ My friend,allow God to make the neccessary changes in your life.Whatever is wrong in your life,He can fix it.Whatever you have about yourself that is ugly or unpleasant,our God has the ability to beautify it.Stop trying to be what or who YOU want to be,and let God have His way in your life so that you can be what HE wants you to be.Only then can He really use you like He wants to.Don't let your past hold you back.God has a wonderful future waiting for you.Don't allow the Devil to use your past against you.No matter what mistakes you've made in life,no matter what you use to be,and regardless to the shape you're in now GOD CAN CHANGE IT ALL! Give Him the opportunity to transform your life.If you're not saved,give Him your life.If you are saved,than go to The Father in prayer. The greater the need for change,thed greater the need for prayer.And if you REALLY want to experience the power of God in your life,learn to fast AND pray.Come on,and let's go down to "The Potter's house".____________________________ (ELD. DARREN WELCH - Aug. 22,2000)
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