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christain answers to jehovahs witnesses

The Cross of Christ Until the late 1920s Watchtower publications commonly referred to Christ's death on a cross and featured artwork depicting it that way. (See, for example, the 1927 book Creation, page 209 in early editions, 265 in later editions.) However, JW publications since that time show Jesus nailed to a "torture stake" instead--an upright pole without a crossbeam. Strong statements characterize the Watchtower Society's rejection of the cross. "No Biblical evidence even intimates that Jesus died on a cross." --Awake!, November 8, 1972, page 28 "So, the evidence indicates that Jesus did not die on the traditional cross." --Awake!, September 22, 1974, page 28 Anyone who believes Jesus did die on a cross immediately identifies himself or herself as a "pagan false religionist" in the eyes of loyal Jehovah's Witnesses who accept the Society's teaching that He was put to death on an upright stake or pole. JWs see this not as a minor technicality, but rather as a crucial issue. Interestingly, though, an illustration on page 7 of the 1990 booklet How Can Blood Save Your Life? (currently in use by JWs) shows early Christians in the Roman arena nailed to crosses. Likewise, The Watchtower of November 15, 1993, quotes Roman historian Tacitus on the persecution of the early Church. The quote on page 9 includes--perhaps inadvertently--his testimony that early Christians "were nailed up to crosses." While still featuring an illustration of Jesus nailed to such a "torture stake" with one nail through His hands above His head, the August 15, 1987, Watchtower magazine also includes an article titled "Where Were His Legs?" showing two drawings of a man on a cross and discussing the various possibilities of how Jesus may have been nailed up. On page 29, the article makes these cautiously worded qualifying statements: "For instance, as we discussed on page 23, Jesus most likely was executed on an upright stake without any crossbeam. No man can know with certainty even how many nails were used in Jesus' case." "… Thomas later said: `Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails.' (John 20:25) That could have meant a nail through each hand, or the plural `nails' might have reference to nail prints in `his hands and his feet.' (See Luke 24:39) We cannot know precisely where the nails pierced him, though it obviously was in the area of his hands … " "Thus we recognize that depictions of Jesus' death in our publications, such as you see on page 24, are merely reasonable artistic renderings of the scene, not statements of anatomic absolutes. Such depictions need not reflect the changing and conflicting opinions of scholars, and the drawings definitely avoid religious symbols that stem from ancient paganism." While here admitting uncertainty about the manner of crucifixion, the Watchtower continues to attack the cross by pointing out the pagan religious use of crosses before the time of Christ. Distasteful as it may be, however, the Lord was in fact executed by pagan Romans, who would not have hesitated to use one of their pagan crosses as the instrument of execution. Which instrument of execution fits the biblical accounts of Christ's death? Thomas said, "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails … " indicating that there was not just a single nail in Jesus' hands as in Watchtower illustrations, but two or more nails such as would be needed to pin his hands to the opposite ends of a crossbeam. (John 20:25 kjv) Matthew also notes, "Above his head they placed the written charge against him … " (Matthew 27:37 niv) If Christ had been nailed to an upright stake with his hands above his head as in Watchtower illustrations, Matthew would more likely have said that the written charge was placed above his hands; since he actually did say "above his head," this would imply that Jesus' hands were someplace else--at the ends of a crossbeam. In addition to the above, Scripture indicates that Jesus set out for Calvary "carrying his own cross." (John 19:17 niv) A man could not carry the massive cross that illustrations sometimes show Christ nailed to. Nor could a man carry the Watchtower's "torture stake"--any more than a man could carry a telephone pole. But a man could, with great difficulty, carry a crosspiece that he would be nailed to and that would then be hoisted by ropes onto an upright piece that was permanently set in the ground. This, according to scriptural and archaeological evidence, is the sort of instrument on which Christ di Reed, David A., Answering Jehovah's Witnesses: Subject by Subject, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House) 1998, c1996.I only will print the truth concerning jehovahs witnesses and I reach out in love of Jesus to point out biblical answers. I work from the greek text so there will be no mistranslation problems and I will quote directly from jehovah witness material when possiable.

christain answers to mormons

Matthew 1:18, 20 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.… That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. These are verses that Christians may wish to turn to in discussions with Mormons. Why? Because Mormon leader Brigham Young flatly denied their truthfulness. In a talk recorded at a General Conference of the LDS Church, Brigham Young said: When the virgin Mary conceived the child Jesus, the Father had begotten him in his own likeness. He was not begotten by the Holy Ghost. And who is the Father? He is the first of the human family [Adam].… Jesus, our elder brother, was begotten in the flesh by the same character that was in the garden of Eden, and who is our Father in Heaven. Now, let all who may hear these doctrines pause before they make light of them, or treat them with indifference, for they will prove their salvation or damnation. … Now remember from this time forth, and for ever, that Jesus Christ was not begotten by the Holy Ghost (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 1, pp. 50, 51, April 9, 1852; also, The Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star, vol. XV, No. 48, Saturday, November 26, 1853, pp. 769, 770). This teaching given at a General Conference of the Mormon Church by Brigham Young flatly contradicts the Bible's statement that Mary was "with child of the Holy Ghost." Why? Because Mormons have been taught that "the Holy Ghost is a male personage.… the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit in the form of a man." To Mormons, God the Father and the Holy Ghost are two different Gods, and only one of them could be the father of Jesus. Since it was God the Father, then it was not the Holy Ghost who was Jesus' male parent. Although Mormons claim to believe in the Bible, they allow their leaders and scriptures to overrule and contradict the Bible, giving them higher authority than the book Christians accept as God's Word. Reed, David A, Mormons Answered Verse by Verse, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House) 1998, c1997. I will answer the most common problems and mistakes taken by the Church of Latter Day Saints from a biblical and christain standpoint. This will be done in Christain Love and without condemnation. It is easy to be lead astray when a Christain is young in the faith. If you have been then I wish only to give you direction for your own study and ask you to consider what is the true way of Jesus.

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