We at Wings feel everyone has the birth right to seek fellowship with other christians, reguardless of his \ her disability. We serve all mankind, with a special interest in the physicaly and mentaly challenged community. We believe that there world has enough barriers fellowship should not be one of them. PTL <>< I remain in His service, Rev. Edward J. Loomis Sr.;D.D.
It seems that the christian community is very content to live their lives as "Christians" and forget their works. Our lord said, "If you do it to the least of them, you do it unto me." By silence one condones. Reach out and give mankind a helping hand. "If each one, could reach one, than all would be won for Jesus. Consider the the mentaly and physicaly challenged, when you consider welcoming new christians to you home church. Think of these people when you think of visitation and evangelisim. Save God's children, All of his children.
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