The harvest is out there; and what are you doing about it? In the natural ; if the crops were ready you wouldn't let it sit on the field and rot. God is saying to his people the harvest is out there, go and bring the harvest in. This is what " Higher Realm Ministries" is about; ROMANS 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, [ Is.52:7 ] How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace. and bring Glad tidings of good things! We work the streets in areas that are filled with drugs, alcohol. prostitution, and hopeless situations. Our message is; someone cares and we no someone that can heal all your hurts give you a new life and be your best friend. His name is JESUS! he will never leave you , but sadly to say people will let you down. We have a Center where we can bring people, cloth them, give them food, and if they are interested they can continue in a Discipleship program where God is the one who will deliver you, teach you, Love you and let you know you are a child of a King, a God who longs to see his people worship him,a God that will set any child free from any drug or addiction or to anything that would seperate him from the love and blood of his son "Jesus." Here each person learns to contend for the faith, build a solid foundation so when Satan comes to sift them he will find nothing belonging to him. At our Center the Men in our program work diligently at Gleening food and clothing and assisting the public, & helping our 22 teens [ at presesnt ] with school work. The Center is a place for Bible Study, meetings, feeding kids, a pantry that feeds over 300 familys monthly. The Mississippi Delta is a poor area and needs plenty of HELP. Our needs are very large because of the poverty in this area. We ask you to please contribute to "Higher Realm Ministries" and help a life move to a higher realm above DRUGS, POVERTY, SIN, and be a part of bringing in the Harvest. Rom.10:18 [ Paul said] But I say, Have they not heard ? Yes verily, Their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. In Christ Jesus, Rev. Seeley & Barbara
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