Choosing Healthy Options In Christian Everyday Situations
Welcome to the "CHOICES" Presbyterian Youth Event Web-page!
"I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life. Love the LORD your God, obey him and be faithful to him, and then you and your descendants will live long in the land that he promised to give your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
Deuteronomy 30.19-20
What: Presbyterian "CHOICES" Youth Event
Who: For youth of who have just completed the grades of 7th, 8th, or 9th in the Summer of '99
When: Tues. August 3 - Sat. Aug 7, 1999
Where: Hastings College in Hasting Nebraska
A Breif Explanation
This is a Presbyterian Youth Event taking place at Hastings College in the summer of 1999. The focus of the event is to teach its participants (youth & adult) the importance of the decisions they make to maintain health and wellness in body, mind, and spirit. The event is going to last nearly an entire week and we are packing it with all sorts of fun activities including: a dance, trip to an IMAX theatre, games, mixers, singing, and much more!
The event is for Region 4 which consists of the Synod of Mid-America and the Synod of Lakes & Prairies. Unfortunately, there is limited space in the dorms, so there is a set amount of youth and adults each presbytery is allowed to bring. Registration Information should be coming out sometime in next winter or spring, of 1999. So, when it does, get registered fast or you might miss out!
Week's Schedule:
Aug. 3, 1998; Tuesday- "Choose Well"
Aug. 4, 1998; Wednesday- "Choose Well for Yourself"
Aug. 5, 1998; Thursday- "Choose Well with Others"
Aug. 6, 1998; Friday- "Choose Well through God"
Aug. 7, 1998; Saturday- "Choosing Well for Life"
Letter from the Author
I'm planning to add in much more information and features to this page as soon as I get all of it compiled and designed. So, come back soon!
Feel free to Email us at using the subject "CHOICES"
Site Designed & Created by Health And Wholeness Dream Team
Special Thanks to NetMinistries for providing space needed for the web-page