Have you ever experienced trials?
Have you ever been through a tribulation?
Have you ever gone through a storm that you thought would wipe you out?
Do you know people who have fallen under the pressure of life's circumstances?
Have you ever heard people say "You must be in sin because if you were in God's will, you wouldn't be going through these trials and tribulations"? Well my friend, we are going to discuss these areas of trials and tribulations.
The Apostle Paul had his share of TRIALS. How did he handle them?
What was his attitude?
What can we learn from our Brother in the faith?
Lets look at 2 Corinthians 11:23-24 in the Contemporary English Version.
"I have worked harder and have been put in jail more than any of you.?
I have been beaten with whips more and have been in danger of death more often.
Five times the jews gave me thirty-nine lashes with a whip.
Three times the Romans beat me with a big stick.
Once I as stoned and left for dead.
As you can see Paul went through a lot. You need to read the remainder of the chapter in your devotional time.
How would you handle this TRIAL?
Would you CRUMBLE?
My fellow brethern your present situations are NOTHING compared to the Apostle Paul. I don't recommend comparing yourselves with others:However, when you start feeling down because of what you are going through, YOU need to re-read 2 Corinthians chapter eleven.
The Apostle Paul had a WONDERFUL attitude. Look at 1 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of ALL COMFORT;
My friend WHY does God comfort you?
That we may be able to COMFORT them which are in any TROUBLE, by the SAME COMFORT we ourselves are COMFORTED of God.
My friend, let God COMFORT you TODAY
So you can comfort someone TOMORROW
Do you know that the Lord is watching you. Are you living a life that is acceptable unto God. If Jesus returned today, would he be ashamed of what you were doing? Lets Judge ourselves TODAY, so when he returns we will hear him say, Well done my faithful servant.
Psalms 34:15 says The EYES of the Lord are upon the RIGHTEOUS, and his EARS are open unto their cry.
Available for the qualified. Must be SAVED, CALLED, RESPONSIBLE, and ACTIVE.
Our School "Spirit Of Truth Institute" is fully Accredited and Affordable. Earn a Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral degree in Christian counseling, Ministry,Theology etc.
Is it time for you to formally organize your ministry as an established work for God? We can help WITHOUT hiring a Lawyer, Incorporating, or paying any fee to the STATE or IRS.
The Following posted request are from actual E-Mail we have received. Only half of their Screen name is revealved to protect their Privacy.
Dear Reverend, I'm tired of getting XXX E-Mail. I've almost been afraid to go on line as a result. May God Bless yours..
Why is it that very often people praying in churches get wiped out in Tornadoes, hurricanes, or Earthquakes while those doing other things are many times left alone and unharmed????
Dear Saints of God. This person above has a very important question in regard to Prayer. The person doesn't really believe in prayer, but is open to answers. Please E-Mail your answers so I can Post them and also E-Mail the person the answers to their question. THANKS
Prayer for Gods direction concerning relationships with a friend. A little discourged and need prayer
Excuse me, but I am not a christian, and I would appreciate it if you would not send me anymore of your mail. Leave me the @#$%$#@ alone.
Saints lets pray for this persons Salvation.
Pray for Spiritual and physical healing for family
Thank you for the E-Mail. It's so refreshing to receive mail that isn't trash/porn.
Thank you so much for this site, we need more just like it. I needed that scripture on Casting my cares on Jesus. The Lord is good and greatly to be praised.
Thanks for the web site. It is refreshing to see some good things in my mail other than the usual garbage. I will make it a point to forward your site to my friends.
Request will be added once a week as space will allow.
Jesus said in Matthew 18:19 "Where two or three agree as touching anything they shall ask, it shall be done"
What do you stand in need of today? No problem, no crisis, no difficulty, is too hard for God. We have a world wide prayer chain,
and soon we will be adding prayer request to this page.
I believe that you will have greater results if you have hundreds of people praying for you; Moreover, many christain want to prayer, but run out of things to pray for.
What better way to help someone in there prayer life than by letting us POST your request for others to see. We wont give your name to protect your privacy, we'll just post the request along with your state.
E-Mail your Prayer request and/or Testimonies of praise to the address below attention Rev Wilson. This page will be updated every thursday along with adding new Prayer request and Testimonies: Therefore get yours in TODAY.
God Bless.
Don't forget to read the word of God today. Meditate on Psalms 103:1-4a
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not ALL his BENIFITS.
What are those benifits?
Who FORGIVETH ALL thine iniquities
Who HEALETH ALL thy diseases.
Who REDEEMETH thy life from destruction.
Please read the rest and renew your mind with Gods Word.
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow;
It empties today of its strength.
Friend, If the Lord leads you in anyway to support this Ministry, Please send your tax deductable gift to Evangelist Andre Wilson at the above address at the top of the site. God Bless
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