WELCOME TO ALASKA CHRISTIAN CHURCH! "TAKING IT UP A NOTCH in '10"!"is our Theme for this year!/ We want to thank you for visiting our website.We know time is far and few for some,so we have tried to put here information on us! ACC is a wonderful church full of wonderful people that realize life is too short to spend all stressed!We worship each week to the organ and piano and use the Power Point Overhead or you may use the hymn book. You will find a friendly welcome will greet you as you enter our building,the time of sharing in worship and song or communing with the Lord around the Table that He has prepared for you every Sunday!And a message straight from Gods word!We would love for you and your family to come and visit us and just see for yourself! This is an invitation to come to ACC! Entering our 174th year,God has blessed us and we want to share that blessing! Our services at 10:50am is a blended worship hour and casual dress is no problem!Just worship as you are! C O M E AND S E E !!!If you have questions about ACC,please contact the webmaster here keith.gray@aes.com and we will see that you are contacted back! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////ANNOUNCEMENTS:Please keep our prayer list updated by filling out the prayer/praise slips in each pew rack.Place in the basket at the welcome center.Several Names have been added recently/////////DIRECTIONS TO ALASKA:COMING FROM MARTINSVILLE: take SR 67 to Paragon,going thru downtown here following this passed the Paragon School.Take the first road to the right apprxmtly .5 mi passed here which is Letterman Rd.Follow this road til you come to a curve keeping straight which is Letterman Hill Road. Take this all the way til you come to a T in the road which is Lewisville Rd.TURN LEFT follow this road to a four way stop in the town of Lewisville. Keep going straight ahead and the church is a quarter of a mile on the left./COMING FROM EMINENCE/CLOVERDALE/STATE ROAD 42: take SR 42 S of Eminence or STATE ROAD 42 E of Cloverdale you will see sign that says LEWISVILLE;follow this sign at the large curve in the road and follow this road around which becomes Awbrey Rd. Go to the top of the hill,turn RIGHT this is now Lewisville Road.Follow this into the town of Lewisville.At the four way stop(the Old Lewisville Store sits here) turn right, follow this for a quarter of amile as the church is on the left side. ///////////////Members are reminded to look at the welcome center board for information on upcoming events!/////// Leading Worship/Praise Kidz for MARCH 2010:Tina Stierwalt & Julie Stockwell/Preparing Communion for MARCH:Keith and Jana Gray ///////Elders serving at the table MARCH 2010 Mickey Stockwell & Steve Crites////////ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signups still being accepted for preparing the Lords Supper and Church Cleaning-see the Welcome Center board!///Next TRI COUNTY MENS meeting May 10th 7pm Olive Christian Church//Please pickup Christian Standards and Lookouts every week at the Worship Center Welcome Table///The Kids Church group continues to grow along with our Morning Attendance-this is now for AGES 5 and under. Ask Tina if you can volunteer your time in helping////COME TO SUNDAY SCHOOL-Our Sunday School needs YOU//Plans are in the works for Easter Activities at ACC/Kevin has just began a new sermon series leading up to Easter//COMING JULY 23rd 2ND ANNUAL ALASKA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Night at Victory Field-Indianapolis for the Indianapolis Indians Baseball Game//"CAFE ALASKA"............now OPEN each Sunday morning in the Foyer area 9:30am til 10am-fresh coffee/fellowship is served////Members are reminded to park as close as possible in the Parking Lot Sundays to accomodate all the cars-WE ARE GROWING and parking is becoming limited! :) Registration is now open for the NORTH AMERICAN CHRISTIAN CONVENTION that will be held in INDIANAPOLIS July 6 -9. Activities/Registration/Maps/Convention Workshops information will be available at the WELCOME CENTER/ ADULT CHOIR reherses Sundays at 8:42am working/rehersing our Easter Cantata entitled, "RISE AGAIN". The choir meets in the Worship Center and welcomes new members-no tryouts!/Signups have began for the EASTER BREAKFAST/Members are reminded to return "Filled Easter Eggs" by Sunday March 28th for the EGGSTRAVAGANZA EVENT Easter Sunday Morning during KIDZ WORSHIP COMING SUNDAY NIGHT APRIL 25TH First Annual ALASKA TALENT NIGHT/ OLD FASHIONED HYMN SING 6:30pm in the Worship Center.Salad/Sandwich/Dessert Supper beforehand-pitchin style at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall//13 men signed up to participate in the Easter Breakfast//ANNUAL ACC Church Picnic Date has been set for Sunday August 1st at Pritchard Park-Martinsville in the Lodge//Congratulations go to ACC Youth Nikki Campbell and Ronnie Marcum on making Tri River Conference Honorable Mention for Men and Womans Basketball Teams at Eminence High School/Also to ACCs Sami Cooper for being chosen for Hoosier Basketball Top 40 Tryouts this past weekend XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EASTER EVENTS AT ALASKA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Thursday April 1 7:30pm MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE Easter Sunday Morning April 4th: EASTER SUNRISE BREAKFAST 8:45am in the fellowship hall(Egg Casserole;Sausage Links;Bisquits and Gravy;Fresh Fruit;Pastries;Juices and Coffee FREE BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR 10AM (Attendance Goal of 40 set) EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:50AM (Attendance Goal of 100+ set) EGGSTRAVAGANZA EGG HUNT 10:50AM (Ages 1-5th grade) SPECIAL EASTER KIDZ WORSHIP 10:50AM "COME CELEBRATE EASTER WITH US AT ALASKA!"
If you have someone to be added to our Prayer List, please sign the register at the welcome center in the foyer each week and they will be remembered in prayer!Our current list includes: Mary Watkins/Wilda Crites/Mamie Hart/Madelyn Stockwell McFadden/the Lashbrook family/our country and the men and ladies fighting for freedom/Pauline Brummett/our church to reach out spiritually and numerically;local WRE program;Wilbur Stockwell;our church to take LONG steps in faith in 2010 led by the Holy Spirit-new directions/new areas:Russell and Lois Stockwell;Ruth Fair;Charles and Wanita Herrington;for Kevin as he prepares sermons each week for us;Libby Hedrick;Pat Shaw;Mrs Lawrence;our S S to grow again;Jackie Leonard;Ron Bunton;Bonita Hadley;our Prayer Warrior Program;Ruby Brown;Floy Black;our blessings from the Lord;Our church to grow in numbers and spirit;Linda Glidden;Bill Stierwalt;Kevin Short-looking for employment;Zoe Pryor;Randy Albertson;Chester Pearce;Our Church;Ronnie Marcum;Tommy Kukman;Mary Deck;Rick Throckmorton;family of Norma Lett;Darlene Stierwalt;Ruby Brown
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