TIFPEC believes everyone should enjoy the freedom to proclaim the Word of God as imparted to them by the Holy Spirit. TIFPEC congregations generally welcome all who believe in Jesus Christ and are baptized to participate in Holy Communion.
A liberal Christian freedom has to be understood in four regards:
(1) freedom from doctrinal fixations;
(2) freedom to accept biblical tradition on the line of the spirit;
(3) freedom of conscience, religious liberty: and
(4) "freedom to encounter people of other faiths in the desire of learning and without anxiety; with the purpose to get familiar with each other and to understand each other; in the mutual attitude of openness to the unconditional ground of truth".
I wish the active participation of the whole Church (bishops, clergy, and laity) in every aspect of the Church's life.â€oe[Man] must be liberated from fixation upon his own subjective needs and compulsions, and recognize that he cannot fully become himself until he knows his need for the world and his duty in serving it. In bare outline, mans service to the world consists not in brandishing weapons to destroy other men and hostile societies, but in creating an order based on Gods plan for his creation, beginning with a minimum standard for a truly human existence for all men. Living space, law and order, nourishment for all, are basic needs without which there can be no peace and no stability on earth.
We are Universal, Ecclesiastical, Episcopal, Evangelical, Missionary.
This Church practices basic Christian traditions offering open Communion to all baptized Christians. Just as Christ sacrificed his life for us to reconcile the world to himself, those who claim to follow him must make sacrifices as they carry out the work of reconciliation.
LAST POST Hier klicken und zur WEB.DE MyPage gelangen Protestantism as a general term is now used in contradistinction to the other major Christian faiths, Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. We claim to be The (old and true) Free Protestant Episcopal Church of the days of its founding and we claim an unbroken historical connection through the Reformation, the Church of England, with the Church of Christ from the earliest Christian era.
The Church, is the spokesman of the 'moral conscience of mankind in its purest state, of a mankind that desires peace, that needs peace'. The high point of the FPEC was when it obtained recognition by the British Government as a legally constiuted denomination. This fact was established in early 1917 when the Venerable E.A. Asquith, an archdeacon of the Church, was a test case under the Military Service Act of 1916. Clergymen could obtain an exemption from military service under the terms of this Act. The officiating magistrate gave his decision that the Ven. Mr. Asquith was a lawfully ordained minister of a legally constituted Episcopal Church, and therefore a man in Holy Orders within the meaning of the Act. His Worship arrived at this conclusion after investigating the origin of the Orders of the Church and the services used for ordinations and consecrations which are based on the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. "If we are in any way to blame for that separation, we humbly beg God's forgiveness and ask pardon too of our brethren who feel themselves to have been injured by us."
+ To be a part of Christs Church, without excluding or isolating yourself from other Christians. Prayers in time of war
This Church is wholly under the spiritual jurisdiction of the Bishop Primus and Canonical obedience is required. It has been a custom since our Church was founded for all Bishops to inform the Bishop Primus of all their diocesan activities on at least a monthly basis. This is required by our Ecclesiastical Constitution and Canons.
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L'Eglise Episcopale Protestante Libre Internationale
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+ To participate in the life of Gods people, with its happiness and sadness.
+ To belong to a community where all persons are respected for their individuality and can use their talents.
+ To demonstrate a theology based on the Holy Scriptures and on Tradition, coherent with intelligence and reason.
+ To be prepared to celebrate unity in diversity.
+ To take the Holy Scriptures seriously, without believing that every text must be understood literally.
+ To prefer freedom in Christ to sameness of opinion.
+ To feel devotion and reverence for the Sacraments, without trying to define each point concerning these mysteries.
+ To consider the ministry as the duty and privilege of all baptized people.
+ To be strong on morality (all thats good and edifies) and to avoid moralism (that defines salvation as due to ones conduct and not to the work of Christ).
+ To participate in the apostolic inheritance, faith in the Gospel of Christ.
+ To be part of an old and sacred history, which renews itself every day.
+ To believe that the Church belongs to all of us and everyone has the privilege of supporting it in accordance with the possibility of each one.
+ To participate in the administration and government of the Church under the established order.
+ To belong to an international, intercultural, and interracial family, that proclaims the Gospel worldwide. as commanded by Christ.
(Poster exhibited at Canterbury Cathedral in 1988, on the occasion of the Lambeth Conference).
O Almighty God,
the Father of all humanity,
turn, we pray, the hearts of all peoples and their rulers,
that by the power of your Holy Spirit
peace may be established among the nations
on the foundation of justice, righteousness and truth;
through him who was lifted up on the cross
to draw all people to himself,
your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
William Temple (1881-1944)
Tamir-Cheshire Community Programme
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+Office of the Bishop Primus
I wish you the abundance of Gods grace for your apostolic work.
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President Tamir Welfare Org.
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+Stephen Anjum
+Dr Horst-Karl F. Block
+Rt.Rev. Peter Leers
+Dr. Horst-Karl Block,DD,LLD