A Lenten Hymn for 2010:
+M.J.J. Collier ~ 2003.09.21
Verse 1:
Repenting and rejoicing,
We walk the pilgrim way
Following after Jesus,
From dawn `till end of day;
Then we'll live in heaven
With the Father, Spirit, Son,
Repentant and rejoicing
With God, forever one.
Verse 2:
Repenting and rejoicing,
We come to God in prayer
Knowing that our Saviour
For us does truly care.
He carried all our sorrows
To Calv'ry's Tree in pain
To give us His Salvation
And live with Him again.
Verse 3:
Repenting and rejoicing,
God's children all are we,
Born again in spirit
Awaiting eternity.
Sanctified and holy,
Spirit-filled and pure
Repentant and rejoicing,
Our salvation's sure!
Lyrics: +M.J.J. Collier ~ 2009.03.23
Tunes: St. Louis; Materna; Kingsfold
Verse 1:
May saints and angels up above,
Who live there with the Lord,
Now pray for us and intercede
To God in one accord.
For as the Word of God has said,
They're Saviours in Mt. Zion.*
They care for us and, with His mind,
His will for us desire.
Verse 2:
O God the Father, God the Son
And God the Holy Ghost,
You care for us and send Your love,
To us who look in hope.
To you, O Lord, and in our need,
We ask, and knock and seek,
For full salvation in Your Son
For time and eternity! Amen!
* Nehemiah 9:27; Obadiah 1:21
"The Apostolic Anglican Christian Church" is a National Fellowship of "Independent" or "Autocephalic" (self-governing) bishops, congregations, dioceses and jurisdictions. The PEI "parish" is "Word and Spirit Mission". Bishop Collier resides in Morell, PEI, but is available for episcopal ministry throughout NS, NB and NL as may be needed.
Clergy or Laity interested in affiliating with the Apostolic Anglican Christian Church nationally, or the Diocese of Atlantic Canada in Eastern Canada, are welcome to contact Bishop Collier by phone, email or post.
The CSJE is a Religious Institute centered on "reaching, preaching and teaching" (evangelism & catecheses), founded by its first Prior General, Bishop Michael J.J. Collier, CSJE, on the Feast of St. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, June 28, 2009. The CSJE Motto is: "Adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour in all things!" (Titus 2:10).
From the CSJE Charter..… Catechesis is an extension of the ministry of discipleship… communicat(ing) the Faith to various age groups according to their capabilities for learning. A Catechist is one who is a teacher and, to a certain extent, an evangelist. The Catechist teaches the doctrine of the Faith to believers, while sometimes serving as an evangelist to those who have not yet believed... (It seeks) …to fulfill the Great Commission through the duel ministry of teaching and evangelism...
The Catechists' Ministry… is to Glorify God, through their Apostolate… in submission to God's Word Written, the CSJE Charter and Rule, in the power of the Spirit, for the… Conversion of Sinners… (the Sanctification of) the Converted… and… Discipling of the Initiated…. (This) is rooted in the Bible, especially Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-20; Acts 2:38-47 and Jude 1:3,20. These four passages are the foundational texts upon which the Life and Work of The Catechists is grounded.
The Catechists are a Religious Institute, i.e., an association of persons whose members live out a common commitment to the ministries to which they believe themselves called. To this end, The Catechists are governed by The CSJE Rule, each according to his or her estate in life………. further details are available to serious inquirers!
From the Rule: C.5: The Catechists are ecclesially affiliated with The Apostolic Anglican Christian Church and looks to its Bishops for Episcopal Ministry… C.6: The Catechists will be governed as simply as possible in the Spirit of Christian Charity. To that end, The Catechists will be governed by a Prior General in Holy Orders… C.9: The Catechists are committed to the doctrines, disciplines and devotional patterns of historic Apostolic Anglican Christianity… C.10: The Four Principle Charisms of The Catechists are… 1. Faithfulness to Holy Scripture… 2. Openness to… the Holy Spirit. 3. Complementarity… of interior contemplation… and exterior action… 4. Adherence to the… Faith in its… Anglican Expressions.
THE DIVINE OFFICE: Daily Mattins, Eucharist (or at least Meditation) & Evensong are the liturgical basis for the development of a sound devotional life.
St. Lucian Tapiedi was a native-born Papuan, one of 333 war martyrs. He was an Anglican lay evangelist-catechist martyred in his attempt to assist and protect expatriate missionaries. He typifies many Papua New Guinea Christians who piously embrace the Faith in its Evangelical, Anglo-Catholic form. St. Lucian Tapiedi of Papua New Guinea, Catechist and Martyr, is a model of conversion, catechesis and commitment. The New Guinea Martyrs' Feast Day is Sept. 2nd.
St. Jude Thaddeus was an apostle, believer, close relative of Jesus, evangelist, martyr and saint (Matt. 13:55; John 19:25)! Jude means "praise"; Thaddeus means "big-hearted". He is depicted carrying an ikon of Jesus as legend says Jesus pressed His face on a cloth and gave it to Jude to cure King Abagar who converted with most of his subjects. Preaching throughout the Middle East, he was martyred in Suanis. After martyrdom, pilgrims believed he interceded in severe cases, thus he gained the title: "Patron Saint of Hopeless Cases, the Despaired and the Impossible." His Feast is Oct. 28th. Jude's Epistle is a model of catechesis; it warns and comforts while locating true doctrine in the Godhead and the teaching of the apostles. For this reason, Jude was selected as principal patron of the CSJE. +
JESUS' "REAL PRESENCE" IS WITH US ALWAYS! He "manifests" His Presence directly by His Holy Spirit (John 3:5-7; Acts 1:8; 1 Cor 12-14), as well as through "the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayers"!
In other words, through Apostolic Doctrine (Teaching) which is faithful to the Holy Scriptures , pure Christian Fellowship, the Sacrament or Ordinance of the Lord's Supper (1 Cor 10:16 & 11:26,27), and Prayer in the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:42; Jude 1:20).
THE CHURCH is the Body of Christ,
the Fellowship in which God dwells by the power of His Holy Spirit
within the spirit of every born again believer.
That Fellowship is led and governed
by apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Eph. 4:11).
This is accomplished through the ministries
of bishops (overseers), presbyters and deacons (Phil. 1:1; Acts 14:23).
This historic three-fold ministry links the modern church
with that the of New Testament, Apostolic and Sub-Apostolic period.
JESUS' REAL PRESENCE is always with us by the power of His Holy Spirit
in the Scriptures,
in the Church,
in the Sacraments and
in the Prayers.
WORD & SPIRIT CHAPEL and the Diocese of Atlantic Canada has three great desires:
[1] TO WORSHIP Almighty God through obedience to His Will;
[2] TO WIN SOULS to God through Christ, God's Word; and
[3] TO EDIFY BELIEVERS through God's Written Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.
repenting of sin,
receiving Jesus Christ as one's personal Saviour and Lord,
being Baptized and
receiving the Fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Apostolic (Biblical) Doctrine (Teaching),
Christian Fellowship,
Holy Communion, and the other Sacraments, and
Prayer, both personal, private and public (Acts 2:42).
MAY GOD BLESS YOU as you receive Him into your life today!
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