Under the banner of African Methodism, we have come thus far, leaning on the Lord, by Faith. As one of two districts created in 1980 with the re-bordering of the AME Connection, we have had a rough road behind us. We are composed of one small town, three villages and a large subsistence farming community in an area that is scarsely populated. No markets, no major attraction for tourist - we are in a semi-desert area, singing "O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the works Thy hands have made!" Unemployment, poverty, and drought are but three factors influencing our mission to administer to the spiritual and physical needs of our people. During colonial times, we were severely isolated but our spirits were not even broken when our spiritual leader, the Rev. Markus Kooper fled the country and became a refugee in African countries and the USA, returning to Namibia after sixteen years of absence. Our members, being mostly illiterate workers on white-controlled commercial farms, are still to enjoy the fruits of political independence. Children, irrespective of denominational affiliation, have benefitted from our alternative AME Private Community Schools and other Community Projects. We are small in numbers and in contributions to the General Budget Fund of the Annual conference; yes we are outnumbered but not overpowered. Our major agenda is to provide quality leadership and empowerment programs to the rank-and-file of the District. The Rev Markus Kooper is the founding father of not only the Emmanuel AME Church, Hoachanas, but was involved in the break-away events of July 3rd, 1946. He accompanied the late Revs. P A Schmidt J Ludwig, and W M Jod to deliver the break-away letter to the German Rhynish Missionary Society.
* Emmanuel AME Church, Hoachanas, Rev. Petrus S M Kooper * New Extension AME Church, Hoachanas, Rev. Jakobus Rooinsasie * D Dausab Memorial AME Church, Rehoboth, Rev. Eduardt Goeieman * Bethel AME Church, Schlip; Rev. Jonas !Nakhom * Silo AME Church, Tsumispark, Rev. Jonas !Nakhom * Hoachanas East AME Church, Rev. Jakobus Rooinasie WE have 5500 members in 6 churches, served by 4 itinerant elders, 1 local elder, 2 local deacons and a large number of lay preachers. We pray that this page has been a inspiration to you to make a difference wherever you live. That is the gift of opportunity.
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