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Bethesda Baptist Church Celebrating 92 Years Of Ministry

575 S. Getty St., • Muskegon, MI 49442 • United States • 231-722-7552 • American_Baptist

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About Bethesda

Bethesda Baptitst church is the oldest African American church in Muskegon County. The congregation was organized in 1910 and has held regular worship services every since. The mission of the church is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as the living life giving WORD to all humanity; to teach and baptize believers in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit throughout the ends of the world. We are engaged in the work of making the calling more perceptable each day. We believe that it is important to provide a place for people to come to experience God and the true move of the Holy Spirit. This is offered through many different venues. Bethesda offers many ministries including but not limited to, Drama Ministry, Childrens Church, Music Ministry, Young Christian Family Living Group, After School Ministry, Silver Saints, Womens Auxilary, and Brotherhood. We believe that the use of these small group ministries help to encourage the Saints of God and better equip our members for the service of the Kingdom! DRAMA MINISTRY: Through the Drama Ministry we deliver the word of God and Christian Theatrics through plays and skits. Many of our productions are written and arranged by members of our congregation. Childrens Church: This is a major ministry in our church body. Our childrens church runs 2nd-4th sunday during the time of morning worship. It gives our members that are preschool-6th grade an opportunity to worship in a way that they will understand. With their own hymns and even there own sermon they are being "trained up in the way that they should go so when they get old they will not depart." Music Ministry: Our Minstrels provide uplifting and spirit filled music for worship and beyond. With our diverse singing units we are able to meet the needs of our entire congregation. AFTER SCHOOL MINISTRY: This is a major part of our outreach ministry. School age children come Monday-Thursday to the church to work on their educational and social skills. Currently, about forty children are enrolled. MISSION: The Mission see to the needs of those hurting or in need of food or shelter. They are a major "helps" ministry. SILVER SAINTS: This is a Bible Study geared toward our senior members. Full of fellowship and good word. WOMENS AUXILARY: Bible study for the Young Adult women dealing with issues that they face. BROTHERHOOD: Like the Womens Auxilary, Brotherhood deals with issues for the middle aged, but for men only

Directions To Bethesda

From Outside of Muskegon: Take 96 west until it ends. Turn right (NORTH) at the light (Getty St.)
Go down approximatley four miles. The church is on the left hand side at
the top of the big hill.

God Bless you and hope to see you soon!

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Our Services & Events

Sunday School

Sunday 9:15 A.M.

Early Morning Worship

Sunday 8:00 A.M.

Morning Worship

Sunday 10:45 A.M.

Bilble Study & Prayer Service

Wednesday 6:00 P.M.

Church Office Mon-Fri

10:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.

Childrens Church

Sunday 10:45 A.M

Our Staff

Charles W. Poole

Sr. Pastor •

John Q. Allen

Associate Minister •

Dexter Anthony

Associate Minister •

L.M. Clark

Associate Minister •

Joe L. Lane II

Associate Minister •