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Bellville Free Will Baptist Church

294 East Honey Creek Rd., • Bellville, OH 44813 • United States • • Baptist

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The Pastor

Br. Bruce Copley and his Family have been Pastoring for the last sixteen years of their lives. They have been pioneering a Church in Bellville for the last few years. The Church started out in a store front in Bellville and has now progressed to a brand new Church on Honey Creek Rd. in Bellville. It is very exciting to see a Church being pioneered in this hour and to see new souls become a part of it. There's a good spirit to be felt among the congreation and a warm welcome awaits those who enter the doors.


Pastor Rev. Bruce Copley



Haggai 2:23 In that day, saith the lord of Hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabed, my servant, the son of Shealtiel saith the lord and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord of Hosts. A signet is an instrument that has been formed and shaped to make an impression on a pliable surface. This is the call on every Christian's life. Jesus charged us all to take the gospel to the world. He empowered his church and gave us the tools we need. He also told us the fields were white, ready for harvest, but the laborer's are still few today. Their is much joy in the Christians life that is missed by not allowing the lord to make us and form us into his signet. Paul writes in Corinthians 9 how he was made himself servant to all. Paul allowed himself to be what he needed to be to gain those around him whatever place he found himself to be. And Paul did this without compromising his walk with Christ. In fact this action reflects his walk with the Savior. Don't misunderstand, I'm in no way saying we have to become wordly to gain the world. We don't have to adopt the world's ideas to reach the lost. We do have to meet each individual right where they are. Sadly we can become so religious with our ideas of what a Christian ought to be we forget who Christianity is for.(John 3:16) We become so legalistic about our idea of church that we forget that Christ built his church from individuals who heard the gospel and it made an impression on them. It is by the same word that saved us, that we are shaped into the King's signet to carry his word and make an impression on others for the sake of the gospel. It is by the same word that redeemed us that we are made to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of the Truth. Their are many joyous truths in the word to grow in the knowledge of: The joy of knowing that Jesus died to save sinners, The joy of knowing that we are no longer under the bondage of sin and death, The joy of knowing this world is not our home, The joy of knowing our sin has been washed away, the joy of knowing unmistakable peace in the midst of a world of chaos, and the joy of an eternal hope. But their are sad truths that we must grow in: The Truth that their are many on the broad road that leads to destruction, The Truth that hell is real, the Truth that the love of many waxes colder and colder, The Truth that good works and good intentions will never save a soul, The Truth that sin abounds and immorality is open and common place. So "Consider your ways" and yield your members servant to God and be made into God's signet. Make an impression for the Gospel's sake.

By Brother Paul Staton


Focus On The Family

Baptist Trumpet

Holiness Messenger


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Our Services & Events

Sunday School

10:00 AM

Sunday Morning Worship

11:00 AM

Sunday Evening Worship

6:00 PM

Thursday Evening Service

7:00 PM

Our Staff

Bruce Copley

Pastor •

Paul Staton

Assistant Pastor •