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Living Word Worship Center, Pentecostal Church of God

209 Bizzell, (The intersection of Cavitt & Bizzell) • Bryan, TX 77802 • United States • 409-775-7722 • Other

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Our Pastors

Rev. Evans Snodgrass Jr. is Senior Pastor and a veteran Minister of 40+ years. He is ordained with the Pentecostal Church of God and is still going strong.

We'd love to be given the opportunity to minister to you personally at Living Word Worship Center, Pentecostal Church of God, in Bryan, Texas!

About the Pentecostal Church of God...

The Pentecostal Church of God was formed in Chicago, Illinois, in 1919. It was first called the Pentecostal Assemblies of America, then the Pentecostal Church of God of America, and then the present name was adopted. It affirms the authority of scripture, the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and humanity's need of salvation in Christ. The ordinances of the Lord's Supper and baptism by immersion are practiced. The church affirms the baptism of the Holy Spirit received subsequent to the new birth (faith in Christ) which is evidenced by the initial sign of speaking in tongues. Foot washing is observed at the discretion of local congregations. Prayer for divine healing of bodily ills is a regular part of church life. The church is not pacifist, but supports conscientious objectors in their search for alternative service. Tithing is advocated. The church is headed by the general superintendent. It is divided into districts headed by district superintendents, district presbyters, and district secretary-treasurers. The general convention meets biennially with district conventions meeting annually. For further information please visit the Official Homepage for the Pentecostal Church of God. (See Link below.)

Special Links

The Official Site for the PCG

A Site for Ministers and Ministry

We hope you find these links of interest and use to you.
May God richly bless you!

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Our Services & Events

Sunday School

9:30 AM Sundays

Morning Service

10:30 AM Sundays

Evening Service

6:00 PM Sundays

Mid-week Service

7:00 PM Wednesdays

Our Staff

Rev. Evans Snodgrass Jr.

Senior Pastor •