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Prophetic Resurrection Endtime Ministries

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Endtime Prophetic Apostle

MINISTRY: Prophetic Word, imparting of spiritual gifts, healing those who are oppressed of the Devil, Preach the gospel and make ye diciples of all men. As the gospel was delivered to us; REPENT, BE BAPTIZED IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, RECIEVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND FIRE!
This ministry has its authority by the calling and appointing of the Lord Jesus Christ (Yahshua Messiah). Who is the first-born of many Brethren. That in Him (Yahshua) the Father might be revealed to His own, by the power of the Spirit of God. That Yahshua came in the flesh of man, suffered and died on the cross for the sin and transgressions of man. Descended into Shoel and was resurrected from the dead. He ascended unto heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father and has been given all power and authority over heaven and earth. First, to the Church, Body or Bride which is His. Second, over all principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness that has fell into darkness.
The operation of this ministry, is to help the Body of Christ move out of the spiritual darkages and into the 21st century, concerning endtime teachings. God has sealed the end, in the beginning, until the time of the end. He Who is, and was, and is to come. This page is designed to reveal God's mystery in creation: Unveiling the Lucifern Covenant, and the Nephilim, a forbidden race! These teachings are not complete in this text. This page was created to plant seed and setforth to those who have an ear, the prophetic work that is in progress. Your gifts are a blessing to this ministry. Let YAHSHUA be blessed and may you leave here in HIS love!

Fashioned From our Ancient Unseen Past

Lucifer the Anointed Cherub that Covereth = GOD'S CREATION COVENANT WITH LUCIFER: We cannot know God in any manner outside of a covenant. Gods creation that we are a part of is no differant. Being born from the dust of the earth we are connected to the beginning of creation, both before and after the fall.// The 1st fall = LUCIFER BREAKS GOD'S COVENANT: He desires to set himself above the stars of God! Lucifer was made perfect in his beauty, and he was corrupted by his beauty. God said, He created good and made evil. // LUCIFER WAS FLAWED IN HIS BEAUTY PURPOSELY = precious stones were his covering, not God: We are told that God is the covering or head of Christ. Had God not purposed this struggle, He would not have made the precious stones of His creation Lucifer's Covering. LUCIFER COULD NOT RESIST THAT WHICH HAD AUTHORITY OVER HIM!// Gods longsuffering = God did not break His part in this Creation Covenant, or you would not exist: Here is a hugh reason that I've setforth to do this work. To show Satan's place in God's scheme in bringing forth Righteousness, (YAHSHUA).// LUCIFER OR SATANS FIRST-BORN RIGHTS = Satans authority over Gods creation which fell into darkness: Lucifer was made a type and shadow of Christ, therefore he had all power and authority and was equal with God in ruling. Lucifer envolked his first-born rights when desiring to sit in the place of God.// GOD RE-ESTABLISHES HIS AUTHORITY = Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve: Gods second great creation ploy. Creating creatures with a soul to know Him inspite of darkness. Again, this was Gods purpose from the beginning, not a surprise.// HERITAGE OF OUR EARTHERN VESSALS = Adams flesh made from a once fallen earth: Here we can see Adam being prepared to fall into darkness. As I mentioned earlier we are very connected to our ancient unseen past. The soul is the passageway of darkness and light. It is Adam's flesh at his creation that is the doorway to this good and evil. Likewise, it is the Breath (or Spirit) of God Who is the gateway to the Throne of God, in Adams creation.// Adams flesh is drawn to the darkness of the Serpent = Adam and Eve were purposely flawed: Which was to bring about His only begotten Son, through the womb of a woman. What a powerful thing! WOMAN, bears man's seed; fallen angel's seed; and God's SEED!!!
THE FORBIDDEN NEPHILIMIC RACE/THE SERPENT CORRUPTS GODS SEED! Sinfull passion in the garden = Eve concieves twins from the Serpent and Adam: God's race and seed was corrupted through Eve= God prophesies of the 2nd Adam born of woman through faith! Eve partook of the Serpents fruit and bore his fruit in her womb. Then she gave herself to Adam and bore his. Final confrontation, Adamic race vs. the Nephilimic race.// FALLEN ANGELS ARE SEXUAL PREDITORS = answer to missing links: Women reproduce, if there were female angels Satan would have no need to look for another source to bear fruit in his likeness. It is easy to cultivate a theory concerning the illusive missing link, or the so called apeman, (APHILIMIC RACE). A sexually perverse simi-inteligent cross between fallen angels and the ape family, who are the closest genetically to man. (ARE YOU RELATED TO THE APE)? They don't care if you find these sick acts hard to believe, nor do they have morals, THEIR HEARTS ARE BLACK, with no conscious concerning God's righteousness. What is so different today? Their offspring are as wicked if not more, in committing their sexual wicked perversions. CAIN IS THE FIRST-BORN OF SATAN = first Nephilim of the Serpent (or Satanic) Seed: Cain is the first-born of this woman of righteousness, who has fallen. Cain's gift to God is cursed and Cain does not believe he needs to be redeemed. In God and Cains dialogue, Cain subjects God to his wrath and rejects His soverignity. CAINS COUNTENANCE REVEALS HIS TRUE FATHERS FACE, and CAIN WAS MARKED BY GOD AS NOT BEING UNDER GOD'S AUTHORITY, OR RULE. ABELS MURDER = Cain envokes his first-born rights: Here we come to the murder of Abel by Cain. Where is the justice of God concerning this evil deed. Indeed this is the question, where is justice concerning these evil deeds today? Cain was the first-born of the fallen Lucifer (Satan). As Cain stands before God he knows that Gods punishment for this murder will be death. Cain envokes his first-born rights in his father Satan and GOD MUST HONOR HIS COVENANT WITH LUCIFER. But this again is something that God has purposed to bring about His will concerning His Kingdom. Look at the process of justice in the court rooms today between the battle of good and evil. It would be better stated the fight is between those envoking their first-born rights in Satan, vs. that which is right in the sight of God.// FALLEN ANGELS CONSORT WITH THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN = Eves daughters follow her path and bring forth this Nephilimic Race (or Fallen Ones), a perfect host!, with a Temple to contain Satan's spirit. God's Adamic seed was designed as a temple to contain HIM! Here the pattern of Satan trying to CORRUPT ADAM'S SEED CONTINUES. Adam's Seed are those who are born of God and only they can be born again by FAITH! Those Whom God Knew, WHOS NAMES WERE WRITTEN in the Lamb's book of life before the foundation of the world. vs. Those whom God never knew and even forbid, WHOS NAMES WERE NOT WRITTEN in the Lamb's book of life before the foundation of the world. Yahshua refers those asking Him of the TIME OF THE END, back to the DAYS OF NOAH AND LOT. Two times of wicked sexual perversion and proclaims AS IT WAS IN THEIR DAYS SO SHALL IT BE AGAIN. There is no fear in women today in consorting with these creatures for they have lost all fear and respect for God. YAHSHUA IS NOT THE COVERING, AUTHORITY, OR THE HEAD OF A WOMAN, MAN IS! In not fearing God and not coveting God's ways, (unlike Mary), slowly God is disapearing?! It is their disrespect for man that opens the door for these angelic and nephilimic creatures. Not realizing they are doing the same thing as Eve, and their offspring are dead at birth, and born into hell with no hope. Where are these battles fought concerning Gods foundational patterns of authority? SATANS BATTLE CRY IS TO ALWAYS BE JUDGED AS RIGHTEOUS, and the courts are his playground. Thus comes the process of revealing the man of predition.// 2nd fall = God cuts a covenant with Adam and Eve: What happens with Adam and Eve is very interesting. First of all neither one of them are cursed by God, however, they both fell under a curse. The curse that each fell under pretained to their transgression. Adam was given authority over the earth and now it was cursed, thus we see CAINS GIFT TO GOD WAS AN INSULT where ABLES GIFT WAS PLEASING TO GOD. Eve fell under the curse of the Serpent in child bearing because of laying with him and not honoring God and her husband. But GOD FORGAVE THEM because of the flesh they had been birthed into, thus making them a PROPER COVERING of Yahshua, by the LAMB SLAIN IN THE GARDEN, after the fall. This again was done with forethought from the beginning, that the Christ Child could be born from both the Light and darkness. So that creation could be delivered back to the Father.//- PROMISED BETTER COVENANT = Yahshua Who will swallow this dark fallen covering (this satan who has authority over Gods dark fallen creation): Thus we come to the promise of the true Lightbearer, the One whom Lucifer was made to be a type of in the beginning. Isaiah ch. 25 sets forth this prophetic word, and I believe it best to leave the indivisual to the task of considering this Word, for the time being. It is essentual to understand that Lucifer was referred to by God as THE ANOINTED CHERUB THAT COVERETH, not one of many. WE SERVE ONE OR THE OTHER! This is why we must go back to the beginning, and without the prophetic, and the gifts of God how will we do that? What God has purposed is prophetic, God's will is the fullfillment of that which He has prophesied! THE END MUST JUSTIFY GOD!// 1st and 2nd falls = God suffers first as Creator then as Father: My hope is this, that you can realize, God the Father has also suffered. Thus giving us hope in the end time concerning our own sufferings, because there will be many as we are drawn to THE HUSBAND TO HAVE RELATIONS, AND BEAR HIS FRUIT BY FAITH! Losing our idenity in Him the NEW MAN (Yahshua), Who has consumed the OLD MAN and left a portion for His Bride.
JESES SAID,"I AM THE RESURRECTION" 1st resurrection began with Christ Jesus = it ends with those who are alive and remain in Him at His 3rd coming. The Whore = The spiritual fulfillment of the Serpent (or Satanic) Seed, SHE CALLS HERSELF A QUEEN! All of creation yearns for the coming of the sons of God = Christs 3rd coming is IN HIS PEOPLE! The consummation of the fullness of the Spirit of God in His people! 1st coming was as Creator in the 'Bossom of the Father', 2nd coming as the Son.
GOD'S PURPOSE IN CREATION = A people He can interface with and pass on a heritage to. To occupy = To dwell in a strange land and proclaim the true King, as His true Queen, waging spiritual warfare in the claiming of this Creation. You will judge the angels and the world = As the sons of God gain authority over this Dark-One, they will set this darkness at the feet of Christ to be judged, then delivered to their place of final punishment.
Your comments, suggestions and thoughts are always welcomed! GOD BLESS!
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