My name is Russ Madill, and I've been involved in Student Ministry
and Student Leadership development for 20 years.
I was saved at 17 Las Vegas, Nevada in January of `78 & I've been
involved in Student Ministry ever since! I attended Bible College at my localchurch in Las Vegas for 2 years where I was grounded and established in the Word. In my first year, our home missions' group planted 7 churches. I served as the Youth Pastor until pastoral leadership was establish. The next year we planted 4 churches and the process repeated. My secular job allowed me to travel all over the United States. I ministered in churches and youth groups whenever the Lord opened a door. I moved to Houston, Texas in `81 and served as an associate a Youth Pastor with the largest youth group in the city. I learned a lot about Student Leadership in those 4 years!
In `84 after 6 years of full-time, volunteer ministry, I sensed the
Lord moving me into pastoral ministry. I moved to Waxahachie, Texas at 24 to attend an established Bible College. I worked my way through collegeas a full-time Youth Pastor & Speaker, all the while studying leadership skills and developing Student Leaders.
I accepted a Youth Pastorate in Azle, Texas in `87, & Jamie married
me on March 4, `89. She was serving as a youth leader in the church. The Lord promoted us a year later. We left a solid core of well trained student leaders who conducted the student ministry for several months until the new youth pastor arrived.
In late `90, I went on staff as the "Youth Guy" with the Dave Roever
Evangelistic Association; training youth leaders, speaking in schools,
developing & directing an adventure & discipleship based Summer Camp
ministry. We trained a lot of volunteer leaders to help us during
those camps.
Now, after several more years of Student Ministry in the local church,
I'm traveling, speaking to Students wherever the Lord leads, public schools, youth groups, camps & retreats. I'm still very involvd in Student Leadership development. Over the years I've had the privilege of participating in the training of many young men and women who are serving in Student Ministry today! Several of them still help with the "Leadership Advancement Adventure Weekends".
My whole adult life has been about developing Student Leadership!
I'm doing everything I've ever loved to do!
I hope we can develop some Student Leaders together!
Is There Strong Unity Within The Leadership?
Are Your Leaders As "Purpose & Destiny Driven" As You Know They Can Be?
A "Leadership Adventure Advancement Weekend" may be just the thing to lift your Student Leadership to the next level of Vision, Unity, Destiny & Purpose, Commitment & Service. All in one fun-filled event!
"Leadership Adventure Advancement Weekends" develop Leadership skills through "Adventure-Based" instruction, pointing leaders first to the Scriptures, then to the Vision and Ministry of the Student Pastor! Vision, Unity, Destiny, Purpose, Commitment & Service flow from the head!
This very unique, Hands-On, Adventure-Based approach helps leaders
"Catch The Heart" of their Student Pastor. Best in a retreat setting, the "Adventure Weekend" can also be conducted at the local church, the YMCA, a nearby park or camp ground, or just about anywhere.
A Full Weekend is needed to complete the Adventure; Friday night,
all day Saturday, Saturday night & all day Sunday, if possible. Sunday afternoon & evening can be arranged in advance.
Sound Interesting? Sound Helpful?
Please call or e-mail today!
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