We seek a benefactor and donations to grow.
We are the original "American Orthodox Catholic Church" that was canonically established Feb. 2, 1927 and incorporated Feb. 1, 1928 by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh, Archbishop and corporate president.
According to the New York World newspaper, Oct. 1, 1932, regarding the Article published regarding our Holy Synod and Council of Bishops;
Under the ancient Canon Law, enacted by the Council of Calchedon in 453 A.D., this (Church) can be the only lawful Orthodox authority or jurisdiction in America.
Many in the independent movement claim to be in lines that trace back to this Church but we dispute this. They are not recognized by any ethnic or SCOBA orthdox Church and this includes us. The reasons are explained elsewhere. We are not looking for those who desire status and titles. Only those interested in a true valid ministry need contact us. We are mainly western rite but we are orthodox and any clergy in this Church must also be orthodox. No books of Common Prayer or Catholic Missals are used. Only service books approved by the Orthodox are used.
Since we have won the first defamation lawsuit to clear our good name after years of abusive, defamatory attacks we believe the good individuals will now understand that the false claims were just that. See the note below about our winning the lawsuit.
What is the option for many of you who desire a true ministry but believed the lies about us? You can remain in the independent movement and be unhappy with your Church, history, lines, and future or you can join this Church and become a part of the first canonicaly established American Orthodox Church. Otherwise you can contact the Antiochian's or OCA but we can refer you to others who have tried to deal with these groups. If your associated with an independent church claiming to be Orthodox the ethnic Churches can and will make your life miserable and then depose of defrock you when you can no longer take the treatment they hand out.
Archbishop Victor is looking for a good priest and/or deacon to assist him.
We seek some property suitable for Church use with a Chapel building on 3/4 acre. We also found over 100 acres ideal for a monastic community and retreat center but need financial assistance or donation to buy these .
We feel we have a bright future ahead even if it means being a monastic Church for a few years while we re-establish our dioceses acoss the country. We have lost a few good clergy to illness and two bishops reposed. Another has pressing secular business matters to handle for the sake of his family. Our growth has been slow but we feel that our good name will be cleared shortly after a defamation problem.
If you are interested in a ministry with the first canonically established Orthodox Church in North America please contact us at info@theocacna.org Just send us a resume and photo by US Mail to Church Office, PO Box 121, Sudan, Tx. 79371. This gets you started and lets us know of your interest.
The Russian Synod of Bishops in North America established this church as a canonical autonomous and autocephalous orthodox church to serve the english speaking orthodox community in "the new world".
Another man claims to be the rightul successor to Peter II (Zhurawetsky) and claims to have headed the Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate of America, NY. We disagree. The synod of the NY Church asked to come under our protection. This mans name was not on any of the corporate papers which we reviewed before we agreed to assist that synod. We as most recognize that Robert Zieger was the true successor of Peter II. One of the bishops directories states that Peter II was (deposed or) excommuicated by the synod under Abp. Clement Sherwood. It is also public knowledge that after this occured Peter II was no longer associated with the NY Church or Synod and that he established Christ Catholic Church leaving Orthodoxy for the independent movement and was basically old catholic.
In 2001 we were contacted by the Synod of The Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate in America (Inc. 1951) regarding a merger. Their corporate name was changed to our name.
Archbishop Victor,
Retired Fmr. Metropolitan
Bishop Joseph
Andrew, Chorepiscopus
Diocese of Michigan
Archbishop James
A traditional Orthodox Church
The American Orthodox Catholic Church seeks candidates or the priesthood as well as clergy intersted in a serious ministry within the first Canonical Orthodox Church established in North America.
We are a traditional Orthodox Church. We follow the Scriptures, canons and traditions of Orthodoxy. We use the approved orthodox rites.
We are mainly Western rite but we do offer the Byzantine Orthodox liturgy.
The Schism in American Orthodoxy is ongoing. Details may be found at theocacna.org
The North American Holy Synod of The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America has declared this Church to be the American Orthodox Patriarchate as of the 6th day of July, 2003.
We are the canonically established Orthodox Church for the English speaking American Orthodox population in the new world.
We were canonically established as an autocephalous and autonomous Orthodox Church by the Russian Synod of Bishops in North America (Moscow Patriarchate) Feb. 2, 1927 and Incorporated Feb. 1, 1928.
Archbishop Ofiesh was the first Archbishop of this Church and the highest ranking Bishop of this Church with the title of Archbishop President. The successor of Abp. Ofiesh has been using the title of Metropolitan for about five years.
Our short name in the 1927 constitution is "American Orthodox Catholic Church". The intent of the Synod who chartered us was to establish an American Orthodox Church, and that is exactly what we are.
We will continue to use our original name which is a service mark of this Church.
We merged with the Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate of America (Inc. 1951) . Originally headed by Abp. Joseph Klimovich, and Abp. Clement Sherwood.
The North American Holy Synod has proclaimed Archbishop Ofiesh, of blessed memory, a Martyr for the faith.
We have professed our filial devotion and loyality to the Patriarch and Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate. We now believe this and other orthodox jurisdictions in the U.S. are no longer canonical due to the Schism in American Orthodox these jurisdictions are responsible for.
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