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Trinity Lutheran Church & School

10235 S. Prairie Road, • Red Bud, IL 62278 • United States • 618-282-2883 • Lutheran

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About Trinity . . .

Trinity Lutheran Church & School (Prairie), was founded in 1842 by German immigrants that settled in Horse Prairie, IL. The first pastor to serve Trinity on a part-time basis was Pastor Fleckinger. Another pastor serving at that time was Pastor Jordan. Both pastors belonged to the General Synod.

In Feb. of 1842, the congregation called Pastor Gotha to serve as the first full-time pastor. He conducted services and taught school. He served until 1845. In the Fall of 1845, Pastor Martin Stephan was called to serve. Pastor Stephan was the leader of the Saxon immigration to Perry County, Missouri in 1839 and was the first Lutheran Bishop in America. He became the first resident pastor, living in the church itself. He served the congregation until his death Feb. 26, 1846. He is buried in Trinity's cemetery.

The congregation joined the LCMS December 29, 1889.

The present sanctuary was built in 1868 and, along with Trinity Lutheran Day School, continues to serve the people of this community proclaiming the Gospel of God's grace.

Trinity's Sunday morning worship can be heard on WHCO-1230AM on Sunday at 8:00 a.m.

You may also visit us at our main web page:

We believe, teach and confess . . .

1) The Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God. It is impossible for the Bible to be in error. The Bible is the only rule and standard of all Christian living. 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:19-21
2) Sin is the breaking of God's holy Law. All people are born sinful and are therefore subject to death and eternal damnation. Romans 5:12; 1 John 1:8
3) Jesus Christ, true God and true man, suffered, died and rose again to make payment for the sins of all people. John 3:16; Romans 3:23
4) God the Holy Spirit leads people to repent of their sins and to trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior. John 16:8; Acts 16:30-31
5) To His Church God has given His Word and His Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, as a means whereby His grace is conveyed to His people. Romans 10:17; 1 Peter 3:21; Matthew 26:26-28
6) All true believers in Jesus Christ will spend eternity in heaven. Mark 16:16; Romans 6:23

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Our Services & Events

Sunday Worship (Sept. - May)

10:00 AM

Sunday School (Sept. - May)

9:00 AM

Sunday Worship (June - Aug)

9:00 AM

Saturday Worship (2nd Sat.)

6:00 PM

Our Staff

Steven MacDougall

Pastor •

Steve Laur

Interim Principal •

Karen Bottcher

Director of Trinity PreSchool •

Beth Goeddel

Church & School Secretary •