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Trinity Church of the Nazarene

This page updated - August 5, 2008, 4150 Stellhorn Road • Fort Wayne, IN 46815 • United States • 219-485-0312 • Nazarene

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Church Page Update

We welcome new people at Trinity. If you are close by, come visit us.

Vacation Bible School will take place August 6-11. Times will be 6:30pm to 8:30pm each evening. Mary Geiger, director of Children's Ministries will be directing. For further information, please call the church office Tuesday-Friday from 10:00am to 12:00 pm. Registration for VBS will be Wednesday evening, August 6 at 6:15 p.m at the church. VBS is open for all children ages 3-11. BR>
Trinity's mission is "To evangelize the lost and to equip believers to live a life of love for God" This comes straight from Ephesians 5:1-2 We are out to win the lost and to help those people who are moving into the Fort Wayne area find a new church home.

Nazarene Missions International (NMI)is dedicated to taking the Gospel of Christ to every Nation. Our local society, led by our new president, Charlene Clevenger, continues to do whatever it takes to lead our church in the knowledge of missions. We held our Faith Promise service on June 29 with a goal of $11,000. To date we have received $9,070 in pledges and are looking to go over the top this year in our pledging for missions in the Church of the Nazarene.

We will be having a parking lot rummage sale August 15-16. Anyone that would like to bring their items to sell on that day may join us. We will have tables available on a first come first serve basis. There will be a Goodwill truck available at the end of the day on Saturday for anyone that would like to donate unsold items. That way you will not have to take anything back home if you so choose. There is no registration fee, we only ask that the participants donate 10% to the church. This donation will go to Children's Ministries and serve as a fund raiser for upcoming events. Call the church office at 260-485-0312 for more information.

On October 5 The Church of the Nazarene around the world will be celebrating its 100th birthday. We will join that celebration at Trinity with special events that day. The International Church of the Nazarene was organized in Pilot Point, TX, October, 1908 and today has 1,700,000 members and over 20,000 churches around the world. We have over 14,000 ordained elder, 7,000 licensed ministers, 600+ ordained deacons, 700+ missionaries, 600+ chaplains, and 55 educational institutions around the world. On the same day Trinity will be celebrating 55 years as an organized church. We will begin the day with a wonderful worship service and continue through the day with a fellowship dinner and many other activities. Come join us. It really will be a special day.

Men's Prayer Breakfast is held each month on the first saturday morning of the month. We begin at 7:30 a.m. for prayer, then go to a local restaurant for fellowship and fun. Come join us.

If you have any news you would like us to put in this webpage, let us know. We would be glad to add it. Keep Looking Up!

For the summer we have returned to one worship service on Sunday morning beginning at 10:15 am. September 7 we will return to two services, our traditional will be at 9:00 am and the contemporary at 10:30 am. We will have Sunday School during both hours. Watch this webpage for the change back to two services.

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Our Services & Events

Sunday School

9:00 am

Sunday Morning Worship

10:15 am

Children's Worship

10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Morning Prayer Mtg.

11:00 am

Wednesday Evening Activities

6:30 p.m.

Our Staff

Kenneth Stirratt

Senior Pastor •

Bill Dreifke

Sunday School Superintendent •

Charlene Clevenger

Office Manager •

Darrell Zimmerman

Worship Leader •

Rosalie Stirratt

Office Assistant •