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Trinity Reformed Church

326 W. Cork Street, • Kalamazoo, MI 49001 • United States • 616-344-4120 • RCA

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Mission Statement

OUR MISSION: HELPING PEOPLE BECOME FULLY-DEVOTED FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST. We do that by providing... WORSHIP which enables people to praise and glorify God. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES which enable people of all ages to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ. FELLOWSHIP which creates a friendly, caring and supportive community. OPPORTUNITIES AND TRAINING which enable people to use their abilities to serve the church, the community and the world. IN 1999 TRINITY CHURCH WILL PREPARE FOR THE NEW MILLENIUM BY READING THROUGH THE ENTIRE BIBLE. WE WILL BE READING THE PAST TO PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE!


If you are contemplating divorce, are separated, or divorced, please join us. Are you angry? Are your children suffering? Do you have financial burdens? Does your situation seem hopeless? God's love is unconditional. Come on Thursday nights. 7:00 pm. Call Todd or Nancy DeWolff 323-2750.

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Our Services & Events

Sunday Worship 10:00 AM

Children's at 10:30

Sunday School for k-adult

11:20 AM Sundays

VBS for kids k-9th beg 10/6

5:30-7:30 PM

H.S. Youth e/o Sun beg 9/19

6:00- 7:30 PM

Thurs Bible Study beg 10/7

9:30 AM

DivorceCare on Thursdays

6:45-9:00 PM

Our Staff

Kevin Kleinheksel

Debbra Yurk

Minister of Education •