Founded 1985.
Area: the whole of the Republic of Guinea-Conakry in West Africa.
The diocese is a full member of The Church of the Province of West Africa, and was part of the Diocese of Gambia until its inauguration on August 1, 1985. Distance and language difference (Gambia is English speaking, Guinea Francophone) made it desirable to establish this diocese independently. See the section on its history underneath.
The Diocese has 3 churches in addition to its cathedral and 10 congregations. The Cathedral of All Saints is in Conakry, as well as two stations in Coleah and Ratoma. The Isles de Loos nearby have the Church of St. Jean le Divin. Other congregations exist at Kindia, Coyah, Boffa, Fria, and Kamsar. There are 6 local priests, of which 2 are away for training (one at the College of the Ascension, Selly Oak, Birmingham and one in Zaire; both sponsored by USPG), there are another priest from Ghana, a deacon and 3 readers. 2 British missionaries (CMS) are expected by September 1996 to help with development work.
The diocesan Synod meets every two years, for the next time in 1997.
The work of the diocese currently concentrates on the coastal region, but an interior mission is planned in the Kissidougou area once its priest on study leave in Zaire returns.
Fr. Albert Gomez will upon completion of his studies at Selly Oak return to teach mission locally in addition to the oversight of a few congregations.
The World Christian Encyclopedia, ed. David B. Barrett, Oxford University Press, Nairobi, 1982, p. 342-344, shows the diocese as declining with "many reverting to Islam", the reverse is now true: the work is growing, some Muslims convert to Christianity and there are further opportunities among those who adhere to tribal religions. Thanks be to God!
The diocese runs 2 schools, a health centre, a sewing centre, and a development project in the fishing industry.
There are a Mothers' Union, another Women's Association, a Men's Association, Scouts, and a small group of youngsters who perform plays at Christmas and Easter.
There is no Council of Churches yet in Guinea.
The first attempt to establish a Christian mission was sponsored by CMS in 1806 with 2 missionaries. Due to the unfavourable climate both died and the work was aborted after 10 years or so.
A second attempt by missionaries from Barbados, though not without difficulties, was successful. In 1855 the Reverend James Humble Leacock landed with a lay helper, John Duport. The first church (St. James') was built in Fallanjhia in the Rio Pongas area in 1856. The same year Fr. James died, but the work continued and John Duport was ordained to it by the Bishop of Sierra Leone.
The active involvement of the sending Church in Barbados lasted until 1935, when the Diocese of Gambia & Guinea was created. Three English bishops served it (John Charles Sydney Daly, St.John Pike, and Roderic Coote), then one from Nigeria (Timothy Omotayo Olufosaye), who was succeeded by Jean Rigalle Elys�e (Haiti).
Mgr. Elys�e proposed to divide the diocese into Gambia and Guinea and so the Diocese of Guinea was inaugurated in 1985, with Thomas Willy Makole (Guinea) as its first bishop. He had been the sole priest in Guinea for some 10 years and was consecrated in 1986, but died already a year later.
Since then the diocese has been administered by successively, the Archbishop of the Province (George Brown), the Bishop of Freetown, Sierra Leone (Prince Thompson), and again by the Archbishop of the Province (Robert G. Okine).
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