The Ten Outreach Ministries of Paul & Faye
1. MINISTERIAL CREDENTIALS --- Licensed and ordination available for the qualified: Must be saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, living a clean life, called to the ministry, active, and financially responsible. $15.00 for individual or $25.00 for a married couple. Write for more information and free application to: Full Gospel of Christ Fellowship, Inc., 2800 Blendwell Road; Richmond, Virginia 23224.

2. THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH INSTITUTE --- A full accredited Bible school. Correspondance courses only, leading to Diploma, Associate, Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral degrees in Theology, Ministry, Divinity, Counseling, etc. Very low prices. For a bulletin, write Spirit of Truth Institute, 2800 Blendwell Road, Richmond, Virginia 23224

3. THE UMBRELLA PLAN --- Is it time for you to formally organize your ministry as an established work of God? We can save you a lot of time, money, and work. Tax-exempt status through affiliation. This is 501 (c) 3 status for your Church or Evangelistic Association without hiring a lawyer, incorporating, or paying any fees to the State or IRS. Send $2.00 for our twenty page "How To" book to: Full Gospel of Christ Fellowship, Inc., 2800 Blendwell Road, Richmond, Virginia 23224.

4. CHRIST WORSHIP CENTER --- A Bible-believing, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled Church, located on Southside Richmond at 3323 Walmsley Boulevard. One mile from Jefferson Davis Highway and one mile from Broad Rock Boulevard or halfway between 301 and Route 10. We emphasize Jesus himself and the love of God. Inter-denominational and inter-racial. Pastor's residential phone: 804-276-4709. Sister Faye's prayer line: 804-745-1670. Church Phone: 804-743-2877

5. THE WORLD-WIDE ACCREDITING COMMISSION OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS --- The WWAC promotes quality Chistian education around the globe and specializes in Christian colleges and theological seminaries of all sizes. You may send $3.00 for our audio tape, "How to Start A Bible School." If you have already founded a Bible Institute it is very helpful to receive outside recognition, for the sake of your students. Our accreditation can enhance the visability of your school, enabling you to project a public image that can attract more students and increase enrollment. We would consider it an honor to evaluate your school for accreditation. Only fundamental schools accepted. Write for free information and aplication to: WWAC, Dr. Paul Richardson, Executive President, 2800 Blendwell Road, Richmond, Virgina 23224.

6. CHRISTIAN LITERATURE --- Tracks and booklets available on many subjects: AIDS, atheism, new-age religion, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, heaven and hell, Alcholism, the Sabatarians, the Islamic religion, Catholicism, the book of Revelation, hypnotism, etc. We also have an array of good Christian books at our Church for $1.00 or $2.00 donations.

7. PRAYER HOTLINE --- Dr. Faye Richardson will pray the prayer of faith for you on the spot, whatever you request or problem is --- depression, spiritual defeat, etc. You can be delivered by the power of God. Sister Faye has over forty years experience caring for and helping individuals. Call 804-745-1670 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m.

8. THE WEDDING CHAPEL --- If you have your license and a date in mind, you may call 804-276-4709 for an appointment. All we need is the bride, groom, license, ring and $50.00, which compensates the minister and covers the building which accomodates from two to sixty people. Flowers and music, no extra charge. Expert marriage celebrator. Our associate pastors can go to your house or other places. Free marital counseling available by appointment before or after the wedding at your request.

9. TELEVISION PROGRAMS --- The Christ Worship Center telecast may be viewed on Comcast Cablevision on channel 6, Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. and on Continental Cablevision on channel 38, every other week at various times. The contains out-takes from our regular church services, including testimonies, solos, and anointed teaching.

10. HELPING THE POOR --- Clothing, shoes, and boxes of groceries are available for the needy free of charge. All we ask is that you come and get it after any of our church services. You are not required to attend the service, but we hope you will.
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�was written out of the personal experience of Paul Richardson, who was born in Houston, Texas in 1936. His father died when he was 5 years old. At 19 he became an atheist, got involved in robbing pedestrians at night, was soon caught and went to prison for 10 � years. Shortly after his incarceration he was saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and started preaching behind bars. In 1966 he made parole and later got a pardon.
He now pastors CHRIST WORSHIP CENTER in Richmond, Virginia and has a Bible School. He has licensed hundreds of ministers, and has over 100 Churches and Evangelistic Associations affiliated with his organization.
He says, "The world seems to think that love is just sexual lust of the flesh, but it is the highest form of spirituality and what we will be judged by when we go to Heaven. Love is what God and the Golden Rule is all about.
"Jesus said that because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Mt. 24:12. Everywhere you go you run into cold-hearted people. Society is getting meaner everyday--- Post office rage, road rage, school rage, killing little babies, etc
"We need to practice love in our homes, churches, and on the job. THE LOVE BOOK is full of encouragement and inspiration to love the Lord and one another."
The Love Book is 112 pages 5.5x8.5 and contains 1,000 sayings on God's Divine Love. It reads like a daily devotional.
THE LOVE BOOK sells on for $ 5.97 plus postage and handling, but we will send a copy to you for only $5. At that price, you can order extra copies for your pastor, loved ones, and friends. Order from:
2800 Blendwell Rd.
Richmond, Va. 23224