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St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church

1175 Highway 17, P.O. Box 1257 • Little River, SC 29566 • United States • 843-249-3276 • AMENZ

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The missio of the Africa Methodist Episcopal Church is to miister to the spiritual, itellectual,physical ad emotioal, ad evirometal eeds of all people by spreadig Christs liberatig gospel through word ad deed. At every level of the coectio ad i every local church, the Africa Methodist Episcopal Church shall egage i carryig out the spirit of the origial Free Africa Society, out of which the A.M.E. Church evolve: that is, to seek out ad save the lost, ad serve the eedy through a cotiuig program of(1)preachig the gospel,(2)feedig the hugry,(3)clothig the aked,(4)housig the homeless,(5)cheerig the falle,(6)providig jobs for the jobless,(7)admiisterig to the eeds of those i prisos, hospitals, ursig homes, asylums ad metal istitutios, seior citizes homes; carig for the sick, the shut-i, the metally ad socially disturbed, ad(8)ecouragig thrift ad ecoomic advacemet


The Sait Paul Africa Methodist Episcopal Church shall miister to the spiritual, itellectual ad emotioal eeds of all people withi the commuity by spreadig Christs liberatig gospel through word ad deed. Sait Paul A.M.E. Church shall egage i reachig the whole perso(body, soul ad spirit). We shall seek out to save the lost, serve the eedy through preachig of the gospel, feedig the hugry, clothig the aked, cheerig the falle, couselig the grief, admiisterig the eeds of the ursig homes, youth ad group homes, carig for the sick ad shut-i, promotig good health measures, substace abuse iformatio, ecoomic ad employmet opportuities through iformatio.Sait Paul A.M.E. Church shall help others

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Our Services & Events

Church School

9:45 A.M.

Worship Service

11:00 A.M.

Prayer Meeting

Wednesday - 6:30 P.M

Bible Study

Wednesdays -7:00 P.M

Youth Bible Study

2nd Weds. - 6:00P.M.

Noon Day Prayer

Friday - 12:00 P.M.

Our Staff

Rev. St .Julian Snider, Sr.

Robert Graham

Steward - Chairman Pro-tem •

Ralph Gore

Trustee - President Pro-tem •

Idell Matthews

Local YPD Director •

Dorothy Murphy

Executive Assistant •