Elvis Gospel has grasped the God given opportunity of the continuing popularity of Elvis Presley, to make available to many thousands of people, the good news of Jesus Christ.
Elvis was a Christian and knew that he was called by God to be an evangelist. In the last year of his life he sang more Gospel songs on stage, and was even known to read from the Bible on stage. He was however unable to escape from the spiritual trap in which he was caught. God in His mercy removed Elvis from this scene of time, but the work he began is not yet finished. Elvis Gospel has picked up the mantle dropped by Elvis, and hopes to lead the fans into the 'Promised Land'. This is being done, primarily by our main web site www.elvisgospel.com, and a book "Prayers of Elvis" was published in August 2002. See our website www.elvisgospel.com, news and links page for futher information about the book which highlights the Christian aspects of Elvis' life and presents the Gospel in a clear and uncompromising way. We hope to reach the hundreds of thousands of Elvis fans all over the world, with the challenge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are constantly researching into the fruits of Elvis' life and have discovered that many people have given their life to Christ as a direct result of listening to Gospel sung by Elvis, and the Lord has also challenged to people as they have been at Elvis' home at Graceland. Our God is a creative God and is capable of using all kinds of, often to us, unusual methods of winning people to Himself.
Since the inception of this ministry in June 1997, we have been contacted by many other people, world wide who are seeking to share the Gospel with Elvis fans. Praise God!
We now work maily through Elvis Gospel Fan Club, which was birthed out of this ministry and is registered at Graceland and recognised by Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc. As a result of our activities we are contacted by the media and have had the opportunity to talk about Jesus to thousands of people via radio and television interviews.
Please visit our web site at www.elvisgospel.com, which at the moment is "read only", as the "contact us" links are not active, for which we apologise.
Our Chapalin is evangelist Dr. Tony Stone, President is Mrs. Madeleine Wilson, and Vice President. Mr J Peter Wilson. We are continually developing and we are careful to diligently seek the Lord for His guidance into the way forward. We give God all the glory for the sucess we achieve.
If you would like to donate financially towards the upkeep of our main web site then please email us at info@elvisgospel.co.uk putting "donation" in the subject line and we will send you details of how you can donate. Thankyouverymuch.
We at Elvis Gospel regularly pray for Elvis fans and people in the 'Elvis' world. We would be very pleased to hear from anyone who feels called into this area of ministry. We are particlularly praying for Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis' daughter and her four children, Danielle, Benjamin and twins Finley and Harper. We also pray for Priscilla, Elvis' ex wife and the increasing number of Christian Elvis tribute artists committed to presenting the gospel using Elvis' image and music.
We have an email prayerletter service where we send out prayer requests as needed. If you would like to receive these by email, please send an email to info@elvisgospel.co. uk and put 'Elvis Gospel Prayerletter' in the subject line.
God bless you!
Peter and Madeleine Wilson
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