GREETINGS! We are an American Baptist Church serving our Lord Jesus Christ with humble hearts and hands in prayer. We actively study the Bible and have a growing Sunday School -- nursery through adult. You are warmly invited to come and join with us as we open our Bibles to learn more about the Word of God and how to live it in our lives.
We are child friendly! From September to June, child care is offered
during the morning Worship Service, or, for the comfort of parents
with babies we have a "Cry Room" in the Sanctuary. The Worship
Service includes a weekly Children's Moment and there are color pages
and crayons available during the summer months!
We are also mission minded and offer hands-on projects in the local community, outreach opportunities at a national level and support our brothers and sisters in Christ at the global level:
Locally, Our Church
is involved in the community through our First Fruits Food Pantry.
We are very grateful to the Lord for the tremendous support the
Pantry receives from area Churches: First Baptist Church and the
Congregational Church of Sanbornton as well as the Praise Assembly
of God Church and the Lake Church of Tilton! See below for the
Pantry dates and times....emergency assistance is ALWAYS available,
please contact 524-5996 if you need food.
We are also a Church that believes in prayer: If you wish to
request prayer, please contact the Church Office at 524-5596 and we
will lift you up in prayer via our phone and e-mail prayer chains
and the Sunday morning time of Pastoral Prayer.
Nationally, We support
the efforts of missionaries and ministries here in the U.S. through
our Denomination's offerings. We also commissioned our former pastor, Rev. Dr. Robert G. Robertson and his wife Catherine as missionaries for an after-care prison ministry in Troy, NH called Amazing Grace Farm.
COMING UP: For 2009, we are exploring the opportunity to work with
an orphanage in NH - more info next month.
Globally, We fund people who have made the commitment to bring the Gospel to those who are living in third world countries. For example, along with other churches, we have sponsored the Rev. Tom Johnston as a mission leader to the Phillipines. We were also blessed to sponsor seminarians, Chris & Kathleen Blackey who took their youth group to Mexico to
build a home for a family. Chris and Kathleen will be ordained this year! UGANDA: Keri Abbott was supported as a short term missionary to work with the children in the area.
ESTONIA: Both Second Baptist and Amazing Grace Farm chose to
financially support an American Baptist seminarian couple serving in
Estonia. Our follow-up for every project is to have each person or
team return with a report to update the congregation on the project
as well as to share how God was experienced in their life and the
lives of those beside whom they worked.
Adult Christian Fellowship opportunities are offered for both men and women, please scroll below for highlights.
If you have any questions, or would like more information about us, please contact the Church Office at the above listed number.
For All: SOFTBALL! 6PM - Every Thursday! All welcome -- bring a glove if you have one! For more info, please contact the Church Office at 524-5996 and leave a message for Dan Otis to return your call!
For Men: MONTHLY: Saturday 7:AM Prayer Breakfast in Vestry Breakfast is ALWAYS the third Sat of each month.
For Women: MONTHLY: Women's Faith Circle For Next Mtg, call 524-5996
WEDNESDAY BAND CONCERTS!! Third Wednesday in July and August at 7PM. Come and have supper too (6:30 PM) -- hamburgs and hot dogs available for purchase.
YOUNG ADULTS~~~7:00 PM MONDAYS.....Fellowship, Bible Study and
outings! For more information, contact the Church Office at 524-5996.
SUNDAY SERVICE: 9:30 AM -- Second Baptist has
called the Rev. Chris McMicken as permanent pastor -- come and join
us for morning Worship and listen to the Word of God come alive
through Pastor Chris!
SUNDAY SCHOOL, for all ages, will begin again in the fall.
AUGUST 9th: 12:15 - Senior Sunday Luncheon; all
invited; donations accepted, but not expected.
**** **** **** ****
From 4:00 - 6:30 PM - Location is 322 Upper Bay Rd.
Please contact 524-5996 for more information.
Please consider providing a meal for a family in need,such as:
Spaghetti and Sauce....Pancake Mix and Syrup....Tuna Fish and
Rice...Mac & Cheese and Canned Corn....Soup & Crackers....or a
can of Baked Beans, Beef Stew, or something your family enjoys!
On behalf of those who will receive the food...WE THANK YOU!
Please call 524-5996 to set a convenient time to drop off
To change music, press the arrow key below! ~ Enjoy!!
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