The Vision of the New Jerusalem Center for Social Change is to make a positive impact in the lives of men and women re-entering society after serving periods of incarceration. The Center is a “Faith Based Initiative” developed to partner with the Criminal Justice System in reducing the recidivism rate of the inmate population in Tennessee’s prison system.
This “Best Practices” design will be accomplished by providing a user friendly community support mechanism to assist former inmate’s in the community re-entry process. The Center’s framework is based upon developing ministry partnerships between New Jerusalem Baptist Church and selected community resources throughout the Middle Tennessee region. This paradigm involves partnering with both public and private sector resources and stakeholders.
The New Jerusalem Center for Social Change is a 501(c)(3) ministry of New Jerusalem Baptist Church. The Center's mission is to provide re-entry assistance to former inmates and their families. The program design is an innovative approach in developing community resources to provide housing, employment counseling, vocational skill development training, medical assistance, and family assistance to this often times under served population.
Our mission is to make a positive impact on the community we serve by assisting those who have been under-served and over-looked by the traditional programs of social services. We plan to integrate a quality method of delivering services through community collaborations and network building which will enhance the delivery of services to our clients. We see the "Faith Based" initiative as a positive relationship between those in need, and those equipped to meet those needs.
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