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Michael Johnson Ministries

P.O. Box 1061 • Hildebran, N.C. 28637 • United States • 8283103602

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Mission Statement

Michael Johnson Ministries exist for the sole purpose of spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. I am an Evangelist to all people no matter your condition, your demographics, your financial statis or your denomination. My message is plan and true, God loves you and wants to have a relationship with you through His Son Jesus Christ. So, from this point and this point only you too can receive the love, mercy, grace and forgiveness that can only come through the blood of Jesus Christ. The choice is yours and it always has been, the price has been paid and the victory has been won. It's up to you to make a conscious decision to accpet Jesus into your heart and repent of your sins. I look forward to sharing more of this good news with you, till then may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Founder/Lead Pastor Passion Christian Fellowship

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