IMAGINE2MORROW NPC is a South Afican duly registered (2014/169106/08) grassroots non-denominational and non-profit organization, working to improve economic, educational, social and spiritual conditions in the rural communities of mainly Mhinga Tribal Authority and sorounding villages and tribal authorities , through programs that are designed to enhance the standard of living, improve education and knowledge, bring resources closer to the community and encourage sustainable community development. We also recognise that the people from these villages are forced to spend their times in places of work sich as Gauteng, Imagine2morrow designes programme to reach out to this dynamic population in Gauteng.
This is a platform for anyone to give back to the northen communities which are ravaged by , amongst others : 1. High unemployment 2. Poverty 3. High Teenage preganacies 4. Alcohol abuse 5. Lower education and skills shortage
HOW CAN YOU HELP? : As an Non-Profit organisation , we have no source of income except from the directors contributions and the occasional help from individuals. We would be very glad to have individuals , corporates or any organisations partner with us and support our activites by 1) DONATING money 2) Offering Speakers for "free" 3) Providing food and refereshments 4) Providing for venues and sessions resources such as tents , chairs, Sound system and lightening etc.
BANKING DETAILS : TBA - In the meantime contact Shadrack Chuma on 073 228 7023 or email / KC Makhubele 083 633 9113 or email
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: We aim to help break the cycle of intergenerational poverty amongst the youth by encouraging education & training, career guidance, encouraging meaningful career choices and providing educational resources .We focus on developing high skills in youth so they can reach their potentials and become healthy productive adults..
LIFELONG LEARNING& DEVELOPMENT: We promote continuous education and learning and personal improvement by challenging people to learn further, provides information and or resources to assist with this initiatives and journey.
ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION DEVELOPMENT: We aim to inspire the community to take initiatives that will make a vital contribution to their community & and thus participate in the economy of the country. It is through these initiatives that we believe the community can self-develop, and self-sustain. Our organization is positioned to help, inspire, seek and provide information and resources that will enable and properly assist these initiatives to succeed.
SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: Our community is highly spiritual with many churches having been established. We aim to pull the churches together for cohesion and equipping the Christian community with inspiration, learning and expose them to a full spectrum Christian. , providing teaching on subjects that will enhance the quality of knowledge and inspire abundant living!
1. THE IMAGINE2MORROW ANNUAL CONFERENCE : This four (4) day conference , held at the heart of the village of Matiyani near Kruger National Park, attracts hundres of participants , young and old, from at least 7 villages , 17 churches and denominations and three (3) High Schools. We partner with professionals , role models and pastors to design jam packed practical sessions which impacts and changes people's lived for the better , whether educationally , economically or spititually.
2. THE GAUTENG "GET UP" FORUM : This forum seek to keep encouraging man and women from the villages above , to keep on improving their educational and career lot. We offer challeging the pardigm, motivation, support , information and resource guidance to help people study further and build on their careers , start and run business, personal growth and share infoirmation on job opportunities and funding ( business and studies). We partner with experts individuals and organisations to futher these ideals.
non-profit , education, economic empowerment , spiritual development
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