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Alabaster Box Ministries

PO Box 940574, • Houston, TX 77094 • United States • 832-282-0884/see/charmin/CM09491

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WoMen Of Power Purpose Anointing

**WOPPA** Wo(Men) of Power * Purpose* and Anointing Vision To reach the least, the last, the lowly and the lost for the sake of Christ. Called to Mentor, Minister and to Motivate Wo(Men) to excel. Ephesians 4:12 "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." GOAL To unite Wo(Men) in ministry with other Wo(Men) in ministry for growth, inspiration, encouragement and wisdom. To create a unique network of Men and Women of God who are seeking to become empowered to take your ministry to the next level. If you're one of Integrity, Righteousness and Honor, a True Worshipper, then there is a place here for you. If you are walking in Victory, Peace, Joy and with the Anointing, WOPPA is here for you. You've heard the call, you've heard from Him, you've sat and waited, you've fasted and prayed, and now you seek the opportunity to go forth and do what you know God called you to do, but the doors are just not opening up for you, we are here to help. Currently seeking Preachers, Teachers, Singers, Songwriters, Worshippers, Intercessory Prayer warriors, Coordinators, Artists, Writers, Administrative. Whatever your gift, there is room for you here with this vision. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) In this fellowship you will receive inspiration, exhortation, encouragement, hope, wisdom and joy. We just believe that enough is enough and when you as a Wo(Man) of God has had your fill of life and nowhere to go and no one to talk to, that someone will be available to pray with you and help you through the dark times. Many times you are in a crisis, and when you call for someone to help you, they are in one too and before you know it you're being boggled down with their crisis and yours, here at WOPPA, we know what you feel, how you feel and want to encourage you with the Word Of God, the Love of God, reaching out to you with the Heart of God, Embracing you with the Hands and Arms of God. Embracing you and teaching you that YOU ARE VALUABLE, YOU ARE WORTY, and that you are SOMEBODY! You might be held back from your destiny by the way others remind you of your past, God has sent help to get you to the next level toward your divine destiny. For more information you may contact us at or by calling 713-459-3670/832-282-0884. Or check us out at Prophetess Pinki (Moore) Be Positive Be Progressive Be Powerful Be Purposeful Be Prayerful

Founder/Visionary of Alabaster Box Ministries

Pinki, Prophetess Veronica Moore is the visionary of the Alabaster Box Ministry. A ministry that teaches, trains and equips the body of Christ for Success and Victory in every area of your life. She is one of 8 siblings, born in Houston Texas, raised around the country having traveled with the military. She is mother, minister, mentor, motivator. Filled with the Holy Ghost and fire in 1989 while stationed in Mannheim Germany in the Army. Pinki has had the privilege of teaching and ministering while in the South West Asia area of Kuwait. She has ministered across the continental US. Operating in the gifts of healing, faith, deliverance, prophesy, knowledge, intercessory prayer and interpretation of dreams when God gives the unction. She knows first hand not to move or speak unless God tell her to. It was after realizing the depths of His love for me, in spite of what I had done, is when I found myself crying at His feet. I had truly become broken for the first time and no longer ashamed of the past because the Master had eradicated it. Free from secrets, shame and scandal. Broke the box of religion, doctrines and rules made by man. God had taken me to a new level in worship. Visionary of several conferences, workshops and retreats, which includes: WOPPA, Wo(Men) of Power Purpose Anointing, a monthly conference that is ongoing around the country consisting of several men and women to reach the lost while promoting their gift and the ministry that God has entrusted to them. On a mandate to Break the Silence to One Million believers concerning the abuse they have suffered. Diva's, Diamonds and Debutantees. I believe that we as men and women of God are one or the other. Dignified, Intelligent, Virtuous, Anointed; or you are a Diamond, you shine in a dark world, or a Debutantee, about to make your debut in the present future. Recent projects in which I was the administrator and coordinator of which included arrangements of guest speakers, hotel and air arrangements, site locations and decorating of site just to list a few. Let It Live: Your Purpose (You cannot abort what God birth in you)** Season of Life Shut-In! **Divine Destiny Benefit Dinner, asking God: "what do YOU want?" Conferences: Now: the evidence, Mending the Broken Pieces, **Touching Jesus is all that Matters (healing the wounds within). Hosted several prayer breakfasts, one hundred women in white program. On the other spectrum, I have also assisted other women of God with the coordination of their projects, as well as ministered in numerous conferences and workshops. Latest assignment is to motivate and mentor ministers to minister and excel into excellence through the opposition. Have be called to lead and follow, to delegate some things and to be delegated to do others. Pinki's VISION is of seeking and saving that which is lost no matter what the cost for the ministry of Jesus Christ. To minister hope and healing to a hurting and dying world. To preach and teach the Word of God with clarity and simplicity. To administer the word unadulterated, uncompromising, truthfully in its rhema format. Pinki's GOAL is to minister salvation, hope, healing and deliverance to anyone within a three foot reach of space, and to be the first woman to minister to men and the annual MANPOWER conferences. Pinki's PURPOSE is to present myself as a live sacrifice to the betterment of those that have been cast down, cast aside, thrown away, boxed in, left out, beaten and abused by life.

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