Mission Statement :`Evangelists for Christ'. For a successful ministry the main source of strength is Prayer, to provide an opportunity for this and to spend more time at Lord's Feet seeking His guidance for this ministry and to bring more people nearer to Lord through prayer we have started a small `Arise and Praise Prayer Chapel'. India needs laborers to proclaim the Good News of Salvation to unreached millions, "Why one should hear the name of Jesus Christ twice ! When there are millions of people not heard His name once!!!""But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed? And how can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out?" ( Romans 10:14,15) to send out these messengers as Evangelist for Christ a School of Evangelism and Bible College has started to teach and train Evangelists and Pastors, both regular, morning and evening classes and correspondence courses. Music also plays an important role in evangelism and it is felt that the Evangelist should have basic knowledge of Music to meet this need a School of Music is also started to teach them and others interested to learn music. As we are living in the age of Information Technology and the basic knowledge about computer is necessary even for an average man, it is also felt that basic knowledge of using computer is must for any good evangelists/pastors, having this in mind a small training programme in Computer course is planned and proposed to teach them the usage of computer in the field of evangelism. I have committed for this ministry with a burden for Evangelism and to promote as many as possible Indian missionaries to spread the Good News of Salvation and to reach the unreached.
With kind regards and prayers In HIS Service Rathnakumar Rev.Dr.H M D Rathnakumar Evangelists for Christ Ministries 194 10th Cross, Williams Town Bangalore 560046 - India Email : efcministries@yahoo.com Mobile : 09341970481
1)Bible School both Evening and Day Classes
2)School of Evangelism
3)School of Music
4) Prayer Time
5) Bible Study
6) Preaching
7) Translation of Christian Literatures from English to Tamil
8) Ministry among Slum Children and Orphanage
9) Pastors and Christian Leaders Orienttion Courses and Seminars.
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