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P.O.BOX 310 KABALE, • KABALE, UGANDA 256 • Uganda • 256-0486-26097/see/charmin/CM08752

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Victory Community Care Services, a registered CBO, is the community care ministry of a network of churches in Southwestern part of Uganda. The Victory Community Care Services offices are located Kabale Municipality OVERVIEW. The African continent, Uganda in particular is characterized by spiritual, physical and social-economic problems that have caused un told suffering to God's people. Problems like wars, poverty, diseases, witchcraft, devil worship, ancestral worship leading to human sacrifice, child abuse, street children, orphans, widows and widowers among others are common in this part of the world, in particular this very community. As a result, the affected experience rejection, bitterness, hopelessness, and depression, to mention but a few. As the disciples of our Master and Savior Jesus Christ we have to follow His strategic plan of setting man's soul free from the powers of darkness as it is laid in Luke: 4;18, When he said (he had come to preach good news to the poor, to heal the broken hearted (spiritually and physically) to set the captives free, recover sight of the blind (physical and spiritually), to set at liberty the oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord). Victory Community Care Services as a caring hand of Churches in Kabale has a mandate to provide Christ centred services to meet the needs of the community while showing the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. VISION STATEMENT. Our vision is to see that the needs of the people are met while sharing the love and passion of our Savior Jesus Christ, so that the people residing Kabale District may prosper and be in good health just as their souls prospers. MISSION STATEMENT: Our Mission statement is to meet the needs of the whole person, in the communities of Kabale District, using integrated programs and services, to work as a team in planning, mobilizing resources, and developing programmes that will bring socio- economic and spiritual transformation in the community hence empowering people to stand on their own to fight diseases, poverty and other social evils in the community, so that the people may prosper and be in good health just as their souls prospers. This is done without prejudice or favour, giving respect and dignity to all participants. AIMS OF VICTORY COMMUNITY CARE SERVICES: To help the economically and socially disadvantaged in our community by: - Projects which enhance self-reliance and empower people to find solutions to the prevailing social economic problems faced individually and collectively as a community, provide skills and knowledge that will give assistance to communities whilst at the same time offering and providing spiritual guidance and counseling where appropriate, to help with medium or long term solutions to the causes of poverty, diseases and ignorance, providing educational opportunities to disadvantaged children. And providing basic life-sustaining needs to the most severely disadvantaged in the community where possible. Executive members of Victory Community Care Services Pastor Edward Kanyesigye, Chairman (Vision bearer).Manzi Henry, Vice Chairman. Pastor Agaba Johnson, Treasurer. Besigye Robert Peter, Secretary. Pastor Victor, Coordinator for Public Relations. Pastor Frank Tweheyo, coordinator for Strategic Planning & Development. OUR VALUES. We value integrity, love, and faith in God. We value excellence in all our Endeavour's. We value, family and community values and respect for one another. We value unity, and the spirit of servant hood in the ministry. THE ORGANISATION WE SEE IN FUTURE: We see an organization that is helping the communities in transforming the spiritual and social economic well-being of the community. Where by God's people are set free from the bondages of Spiritual darkness, poverty, diseases and ignorance. A community where the weak are strengthened, the sick and the broken hearted are healed, the hopeless are given hope and direction, the necked are clothed the hungry are feed and the lost are coming back to God. And because of this transformation we see a stronger church, spiritually, socially, and economically rising up and sending out disciples to other communities and nations for the cause of Jesus Christ


VICTORY COMMUNITY GARDENS Victory Community Gardens which are serving as models of what is possible with what is available in local communities. These gardens show that there are benefits for the individuals and the community in working together to alleviate poverty and hunger and increases the capacity of the community to address causes of socio-economic problems. This project is the beginning of the development of sustainable local answers to problems of land fragmentation and subsistence farming. The gardens have been developed to work within the Ugandan Government's economic and ecological policies; such as to encourage market gardening and to protect soil from erosion and degradation. The Victory Community gardens are run and managed by the people in the community. Coordinators are selected to lead the group of gardeners. The coordinators are responsible to maintain health Christian fellowship during gardening. The coordinators guide and lead each gardening group. They report the activities of the gardens to the board of Victory Community Care Services. Who provides support in terms of raising funds to lease land, buy seedlings and agricultural equipment's. The produce is shared by the participants and the surplus is kept for future use. The aims of Victory Community Gardens are; To provide vegetables and food to the community, to empower the participants with knowledge and skills so that they can increase on their household income in order to reduce poverty, disease and ignorance and to teach and guide the participants with knowledge which can help to overcome social economic beliefs that prevent progress and innovation. Finally, to share the produce with the poor and others who may be in desperate need of food. VICTORY CHILDREN MINISTRY: This ministry is set up to provide Christ Centred services to the needy children and reach them with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt: 28: 19-20). We acknowledge that scriptures clearly show that God is outraged about what is happening to children. Our own concern to our children is but a reflection of God's own fury. Our compassion for hurting children reflects nothing less than the jealous love and righteous anger of our Heavenly Father. Over and over again God's warning throughout the bible is "Don't touch my precious children!" (Ex 22-24; Psalm 68:5, Ezekiel 16:4-14, Deuteronomy 24:17 etc). He indicates terrible consequences for anyone harming his children: " would be better that a millstone be hung around his neck and (he) be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Mtt. 18:6). As Christians we cannot stand by and watch them suffer and die, when we have the ability to help free them from the bondages and afflictions of the enemy. Victory Children ministry is set up reach out to the children of our community to help bring them closer to Christ while extending the love of God to them through our words and actions. We reach our children through outreach programs, regular meetings, retreats, and church meetings etc.

OBJECTIVES OF VICTORY CHILDREN MINISTRY *To foster the physical/health, social, economic mental and Spiritual development of a child. *To provide basic needs to the most vulnerable children in the community. *To create awareness in the community on the plight of the most vulnerable children. *To encourage the churches to give attention to holistic child ministry and to indicate the major steps that need to be taken. *To stand in gap between the local churches, Christian agencies and Christian schools so that the needs of the children are attended to. For example education, health clothing etc. *To create standards that help the church to measure its ministry to children *To give children a chance to participate in Ministry. The church shall enable children to serve in their homes, the church and in their community. *Family equipping and preparation. The Victory Community Care Services shall endeavor to educate, encourage and follow-up parents to enable them to raise their children in accordance with the word of God, and in a way that protects children from harmful culture and other things that defile their consciences and their faith

CHRISTIAN FAMILY LIFE. We live in a day of low moral standards, when marriage vows are easily broken and divorce is considered common yet Gods laws and standard do not change. Gods' plan for families was meant to be happy, as it is the residue of sinless Eden. Marriage has been ordained of the Lord for the procreation of race and the establishment of homes for children, where happiness and joy can reign. Marriage is the oldest human institution, it is older than the church or human government hence a need to protect and preserve the Gods' principles that govern families. The Christian family / home is backbone of church community, and nation. Therefore if the family's relationship with God is strong then we have a strong Church, community and nation.

Objectives of the ministry 1.Teach godly parenting values with the aim of breaking the roots of evil at family level. 2.To bring hope and healing in struggling families with the intention of avoiding broken parenting 3.Restore estranged families with intention of eradicating single parenting 4.Help families to dedicate their homes to God as living alters 5.Teach families to open their hearts to the destitute and the needy 6.Develop a network of families to intercede for the communities and nations.

LITERACY MINISTRY. Teaching the illiterate how to read the word of God and write

Primary Health Care Program: God's people in this community are faced with diseases which, when necessary measures are taken the rate of spreading would be greatly reduced. We are therefore intending to handle the challenges that are caused by Aids, e.g orphans, supporting the sick and families that have been left helpless and educate the Community about preventive ways other than advising deceitful ways.

The aims and objectives are. Availing the community with better health services while demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ. Bringing awareness to the community the measures to take in order to reduce the rate spreading infectious diseases. Enabling the poor and disadvantaged in the community get medical services. To give guidance and counseling to drug addict's, street kids, those victimized by wars, and children running way from abuse (rehabilitation center).

This centre will work as a recovery centre. Where by people, who have been depressed, abused, traumatized and addicted to drugs are offered support and counseling services.

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