At Jerusalem there was a pool, called, "Bethesda," which means "House of mercy." The Apostle John, in his writings, tells us that this pool had five porches (man's five senses vs God's grace & mercy). A certain man was there who had been sick for 38 years. (38 is the number of slavery while 30 is the number of Divine appointment, and 8 is the number for new beginnings). Jesus saw the man lying there and asked him, "Do you want to be made whole?" The man began to make excuses for his condition, and its continuance. I ask you what are your excuses? Dysfunctional family, wrong stimuli, deceived, abused. Jesus said to the man, "Arise, take up your bed and walk!" Immediately, the man was made well, and took up his mat and walked! The 5th chapter of John reveals the authority and power that Jesus has over life, and all of life's situations. Jesus has the authority (legal right) and power (sovereignty) to meet your needs. Some dis-ease may have you crippled, worn to a frazzle like ripped fabric, dangling and barely holding on. I suggest that you tell it to Jesus. Whatever your issues might be, you can experience a Divine appointment for a new beginning. Jesus can help, and Jesus alone. Want to talk about it? Contact me: (616) 475-3893 e-mail:
Licensed Clinical Pastoral counselor Licensed Social Worker Certified Substance Abuse Counselor Member: National Christian Counselors Association
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