"Go terefore d mke dscples of ll te tos, bptg tem te me of te Fter d of te So d of te Holy Sprt, tecg tem to be observe ll tgs tt, I ve commded you, d lo, I m wt you lwys, eve to te ed of te ge" (Mt 28:19-2).
To rec te u-reced tewt te gospel of Jesus Crst te fulfllmet of Gret Commsso,to sed te mssores te egbourl coutres, Provde te medcl, eductol d teccl d to te eedy, prom- ote te seculr educto d mke te people of Pkst lterte troug Adult ltercy Ceters d Seculr Educto Scools. teccl scool, teccl trg ceter for wome.
Curc Pltg, Crusdes, Lterture Mstry, Pstors Semrs, Flm Mstry, Helt Progrm, Adult Ltercy Progrm, Publctos, Cssette Mstry, Pryer Mstry, Evgelstc Tem, Seculr Educto Progrm, Cldre Mstry, Wome mstry. Bble Scool.
Te Scrptures of te Old d New Testmets were gve by sprto of God d re te oly suffcet, cert d utorttve rule of ll svg kowledge, ft d obedece.
Tere s but oe God, te Mrker, Preserver d Ruler of ll tgs d of Hm self, ll perfecto's, d beg fte tem ll, d to Hm ll cretures owe te gest love, reverece d obedece.
God s reveled to us s Fter, So, d Holy Sprt ec wt dstct persol ttrbutes, but wt out dvso of ture, essece or beg.
Bptsm s ordce of te Lord Jesus, oblgtory upo every belever, were e s mmersed wter (dp) te me of te Fter, d te So d of te Holy Sprt, s sg of s fellowsp wt te det d resurrecto of Crst, of remsso of ss, d of gvg mself up to God, to lve d wlk ewess of lfe. It s prerequste to curc fellowsp, d to prtcpto te Lord's Supper.
Holy Sprt cotues Crst's msso te world troug te Curc, te Crst belevers wo re bpted d flled wt te Holy Sprt, spek togues ccordg to Act.2: 4. Te fruts, gfts d mstres of te Holy Sprt re vlble to te curc, to dy to sctfy lfe d ve effectve testmoy of Crst.
God orglly creted M s ow mge, d free from s; but troug te temptto of St e trsgressed te commd of God, d fell from s orgl oless d rgteousess; wereby s posterty ert ture corrupt d olly opposed to God d s lw, re uder codemto, d s soo s tey re cpble of morl cto, become ctul trsgressors.
Jesus Crst, te oly begotte So of God, s te dvely ppoted medtor betwee God d m. Hvg tke upo mself um ture, yet wtout s, He perfectly fulflled te lw; suffered d ded upo te cross for te slvto of sers. He ws bured, d rose g te trd dy, d sceded to s Fter, t wose rgt d e ever lvet to mke tercesso for s people. He s te oly medtor, te propet, prest d kg of te Curc, d Sovereg of te Uverse.
Te bodes of te m fter det retured to dust, but ter Sprt retur mmedtely to God. Te rgteous to rest wt m, te wcked to be reserved uder drkess to te Judgemet. At te lst dy, te bodes of ll te ded, bot Just d uust wll be rsed.
Repetce s evgelcl grce, were perso beg by te Holy Sprt, mde sesble of te mfold evl of s s, umblet mself for t, wt godly sorrow, destto of t, d self-borrece, wt purpose d edevor to wlk before God so s to plese mself ll tgs.
Te Lord Jesus s te ed of te Curc, wc s composed of ll Hs dscples, d Hm s, vested supremely ll power for ts govermet. Accordg to Hs commdmet, Crsts re to ssocte temselves to prtculr socetes or curces; d to ec of tese curces He t gve eedful utorty for dmsterg tt order, dscple d worsp wc He t ppoted. Te regulr offcers of Curc, re Pstors or Elders, d Decos.
Te lord's dy s Crst sttuto for regulr observce, d sould be employed exercses of worsp d sprtul devoto, bot publc d prvte, restg from worldly employmet's d musemets, works of ecessty d mercy oly excepted.
God t ppoted dy were He wll udge te world by Jesus Crst, we every oe sll receve ccordg to s deeds; te wcked sll go to everlstg pusmet; te rgteous, to everlstg lfe.
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