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World Harvesting Ministries

Private Bag 0398, • Maun, Ngamiland • Botswana • (09267) 6800193/see/charmin/CM07954

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About World Harvesting Ministries

World Harvesting Ministries is a inter-denominational organization with a vision to Harvest souls for the Kingdom of God. This ministry is based in Maun, which is located in the North West district of Botswana. Maun is the gate way to the Okavango Delta. It is in this region where most of the least un-evangelized people are situated in the southern hemisphere. World Harvesting Ministries objectives is to plant churches in un-church regions of the Ngamiland and Okavango Delta. Our scope is the World...our vision is not only for Botswana, but as the Lord leads us, we would take the Gospel to regions beyond. World Harvesting Ministries was birthed on the 2nd February 2003, by missionaries from South Africa, Pastor Eugene ad Karen Ramjee. They are currently living in Botswana and have three kids: Delano, Donelle and Cayden. With the heart of God at focus we endeavor to reach our maximum potential to build the Kingdom of God in power and Anointing..."Making a Difference in our World."

World Evangelization is your responsibility

Matthew 2:16-20...We have been given a mandate to proclaim the Gospel to every creature and to make disciples of every nation. This responsibility is not just for the ministers of the gospel, but for everyone who confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord. Not everyone is called to be a preacher, but everyone of us believers are responsible to make this gospel a reality to other nations and people. The Question is How do we do that? Simple! A-D-O-P-T a missionary family already in the field of World Evagelization, by partnership and by supporting them financially. If you can't go, you can let your money GO. We need your support and partnership to stay on the field. Every soul we reach, they are reached with your finance. Your church or organization can plan a mission trip to Botswana and we will have the pleasure of hosting you. In this way we can build relationships and then you can experience first hand missions. Your experience on these trips will allow you to understand the need for missionaries on the field and why you need to partnership with us. Romans 10:15..." And how are they to proclaim Him unless they are sent." Your finance and support will allow us to be sent to the nations to proclaim Jesus Christ." Our Bank Details are as follows: A/C Holder Karen Ramjee A/C # 62029995282 Branch Code 22367 First National Bank, Maun Branch, Botswana NB! Please fill us in on any donation or finance you or your church deposit. Email us or write to us. Send us your particulars as we would need it very much for record purposes. Thanks for adopting us as your missionaries and hands of extention here in Botswana. Thanks a million!!!!! OPPORTUNITY We need a person with a passion for Christ who is willing to serve with our Ministry in developing the music and worship department of World Harvesting Ministries, Maun Botswana. Must be supported by your home church, family and friends. Must have a strong desire to develop our worship team as well as skilled in any music instrument. People you will be working with in our church is Batswana people. The Church is young and developing. Application will be made for your residence in Botswana by our Ministry. Please contact me. Ps Eugene and Karen Ramjee

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