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Christian rehabcenter DGERELO (The Sourse)

Tarasa Shevchenko 5-75, • Sevastopol, Crimea 99006 • Ukraine • +380(692)46-94-61/see/charmin/CM07935

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e Cristia ceter of drug addicted yout reabilitatio "Dgerelo" was fouded i 1996 as te result of startig of te reabilitatio ceter for alcoolics ad drug addicts. at ceter was orgaized o te basis of te curces tat beloged to te religious associatio called e Missioary Alliace of Crimea. Durig te period of 1996-2002 more ta 100 people wet troug te program of reabilitatio ceter. 30% of tem received freedom from addictio. e mai goal of te program was to provide spiritual, psycological reabilitatio ad elp i te post reabilitatio period. e programs lasted for 3 mots. ey icluded Cristia educatio, studyig of te ature of beavior of addicted perso, idividual couselig ad work terapy. Later te support groups for alcoolics ad drug addicts ad teir relatives were started ad we bega to orgaize drug ad AIDS prevetive activities i cooperatio wit oter orgaizatios ad social services of our city. e most of te workers of our orgaizatio are former alcool or drug addicts. It led tem to better uderstadig of people tey tried to elp ad gave tem opportuity to build closer relatiosips wit people wo were goig troug reabilitatio programs.

Our Missio Spiritual ad social-psycological reabilitatio of alcool ad drug addicted people ad also of people livig wit HIV/AIDS

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