This orgniztion ws founded on September 8, 181 t J.S. Hudson Store, Detroit, Michign by the Lte Reverend Dr. rnell C. S. Jckson. She relocted to Berkeley, Cliforni where she orgnized the Bell Grove Missionry Bptist Church. This dynmic Womn of God begn her ministry t the ge of 16 until she ws clled to rest t 87. During her life, she touched the lives of men nd women throughout the United Sttes nd severl countries. She is responsible for licensing nd ordining those who were held in bondge nd discourged ginst preching the word of God. Mny Churches were orgnized under her ledership. We re thnkful for the opportunity to hve known her. She succeeded her husbnd in deth, Mr. Noh Jckson, Sr. She hd two children, Mrs. Dorothy Wtson nd Reverend Noh Jckson, Jr. We remember her words, ctions, deeds nd give God the prise for lowing her to be prt of our lives. Thus, we remember... Reverend Dr. rnell Crrie Scles Jckson, dynmic Leder.
Our nnul wrd & Commencement Service will be held the second night of our 23rd nnul Convention - Mrch 17 - 20, 2004; Dlls, Texs. KeyNote Spekers re: Bishop J. llen McBride, Bishop Mrie Bolden Biley, Dr. Mry Sue Womble, Pstor Ver Hughes, postle Debr Eckles, Pstor Billy Ry Htch, Dr. T. M. Robinson, nd Bishop nn Crson mbers. Introducing New Ministers: Evngelist Demetri McBride Powers, Minister Mry Btton, Minister Yolnd Scott Frnklin nd Reverend Nzrrie Johnson. Workshops will be presented by: Evelyn Hinds, Jnie Johnson, Reverend Fith Vn Putten nd postle Debr Eckles. Specil Music will be provided by the Youth Choir, under the direction of Dr. T. M. Robinson.
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